Is the Cupra logo that projects from the wing mirrors meant to come on in daylight?
Last night when I unlocked the car in the dark, the logos lit up and came on, but seemed slower to work than normal. Usually they come on instantly and as the mirrors unfold the logo sweeps down the side of the car to the ground, whereas last night the mirrors unfolded then the lights came on. This morning when I unlocked the car in daylight there were no lights on the mirrors at all, even putting my hand under them there was nothing shining, so wondered if I’ve never noticed that they don’t work in daylight, like the ambient dash lighting, or it is another knackered thing to add to the list when it goes in at the end of the month.
Picture of the light, in case anyone doesn’t know what I’m meaning.
Last night when I unlocked the car in the dark, the logos lit up and came on, but seemed slower to work than normal. Usually they come on instantly and as the mirrors unfold the logo sweeps down the side of the car to the ground, whereas last night the mirrors unfolded then the lights came on. This morning when I unlocked the car in daylight there were no lights on the mirrors at all, even putting my hand under them there was nothing shining, so wondered if I’ve never noticed that they don’t work in daylight, like the ambient dash lighting, or it is another knackered thing to add to the list when it goes in at the end of the month.
Picture of the light, in case anyone doesn’t know what I’m meaning.