Scott sorry to mess you around mate but i was just out at the motor to see that its a manifold to turbo bolt thats came loose the thing was sticking half way out haha got it tightened now and were back to a lovely spooling noise... So can i just leave that manifold with you
Sorry to mess you about bud...
If i get my turbo back it will be getting fitted in 2 weeks and hopefully mapped the weekend after

can you send me that guys details so i can get in touch with him to find out how much he is gonna charge?
Also do you fancy coming to meet us when i go down? Maybe compare the 2 cars see if its money well spent?
Think im gonna order one of those ITG filters aswell for the 3" MAF
You got any parts left i could use for the 3" MAF to my Forge tip? I could buy them off you mate if there lying about doing nothing?