White FR to Black Cupra - Cupra Now Sold :(

it dont really matter about the figures are as long as it feels good on the road,ive seen torque be anything between what you have and 300 only on the forum though.
i need to get my car on a rolling road bill at badger5 got his dyno after i got my car mapped unfortunately.
Mar 20, 2009
Largs Scotland
it dont really matter about the figures are as long as it feels good on the road,ive seen torque be anything between what you have and 300 only on the forum though.
i need to get my car on a rolling road bill at badger5 got his dyno after i got my car mapped unfortunately.

Double of what i think i wouldnt be disappointed if i got mine rolling roaded and it only pushed out 20-230 bhp as it drives amazingly on the road and still surprises me everytime i really push it.
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
After the flames on the first run i didnt care about figures, just happy it flamed haha Mines dead quick on the road, i thought it would make fairly decent figures. You could see from that video against my mates it wasnt a small difference! The bloke who mapped mine always under eggs his figures, he always said it would make a strong 220hp maybe 225hp at a push but hes just been conservative unlike half the mappers out their. All the cars he has mapped make really good figures and hes getting quite a good name for himself, especially for the price he charges!

Heres the flames on run 3:

you have to look carefully at the end though, they are tiny and blue :( First run were alot bigger and orange. Rich took quite allot of videos so hopefully when he trawls through them all he might have the vid of run 1!


Buy Cheap Buy Twice!
Nov 16, 2008
Noo , Just not doing the miles anymore and thats the reason i went diesel in the first place ,Im happy with the car's power on the road its smooth and feels good , But i can insure something like a polo gti for 30 quid more than my ibiza , So if theres no need for diesel why not :)
Think rr days just make you want new cars all the time lol

I could be wrong, probably are wrong too lol but dont you think you should have thought about that befor buying the FR :shrug: just seems like alot of time and money youve put into it just to get rid of it already, like luke said, get a front mount on it and a few other bits changed and it will make good power :)
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Nah its not over fuelling, the bloke spent about 8 hours mapping the car, its bang on looking at all the graphs. Its just going from wide open throttle 7 thousands revs to no throttle and dropping revs, its gonna chuck the fuel in still for a split second. Never pops or bangs unless your right up near the limiter and changing gear, which is expected
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Cheers mate :)

Yeh 515hp r32 turbo! Most immaculate car aswell, think hes ploughed about 30k into it ontop of the car itself!

Then there was just the stage 2+ 2.0 tfsi cars making 330-385 odd. Was a good day!
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Lol Steve!

Sorted some injectors off a bam engine fairly cheap of a mate :D trying to track down a maf sensor now off one. Can only find them for 170 quid brand new. Can't face paying that this month lol gonna look for a ko3s today aswell!

Girlfriend wants to go Xmas shopping etc up at Edinburgh end of next month so that will stop progression slightly lol

Will get my rr graphs scanned in when I get to site, you can see why it spins up in 4th when it boosts in the damp/wet haha

Need to forward them to the bloke who mapped the car too, see if he's happy. Need to have a discussion about the hybrid too, think I'd be happy with another 25hp and 25-30 ftlb's torque tbh aslong as it was right across the revs! Was just an idea yesterday but it's in my head and before I knew it I was sorting loads of parts out haha
Mar 20, 2009
Largs Scotland
Ive been swaying towards hybrid but i just couldnt justify paying that amount of money for an extra 30 odd bhp but it seems alot more sensible than the GT28.

You gonna do the rods aswell with hybrid or just risk it? Ill probably just get my turbo removed instead of getting a spare k03 as im a tight b*****d :lol:

You just taking Pauls old parts i?

Come visit me when your in Edinburgh haha im about a 2 hour drive from there.
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May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Don't think it will end up been too much tbh! Yeh 30hp doesn't sound much as a peak figure but it will change the drive on it completely as the power and torque will be upped right across the range rather than peak. From what people have said about the hybrids it's sold me haha

I'm hoping to find one cheap then hopefully mine will sell on for a decent price as it's low mileage etc hopefully get abit back haha
Mar 20, 2009
Largs Scotland
Yeah im sure i read that someone was saying its the way the torque is delivered as its so high low down the rev range! I might risk it or not ill see how funds are next year hopefully will be done before summer.
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Rr graphs


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Red Ibiza 1.8T
Mar 28, 2009
Scott the car sounds awesome on the rr!
Can I ask why you're looking for a Ko3s? I thought out cars came with them?
Or are you getting another to hybrid?
Get the rr graph up :D
^^Beat me to it :lol:
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