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Is that four in total per item ?. Feels like French danger zones where areas are published where cameras may be but not the location.

I suggest you put them in as twice so you get the start and end as a beep although it will beep in either direction you pass. That will be the ASC POI imports else you would have to remanuacture Ov2 or GPX files. ASC would be the best. That is like the example of the ten records in Post 1. The normal coordinate pair is switched as I've mentioned, so x,y is y,x for the ASC import. The third field in that list is the camera name but put in say "Camera" if it doesnt have a name and fill with, A, B, C as example.

If that doesn't work very well then just use one set of coordinates. Depends a lot on whether what you have are actually danger zones or just bracketed cameras where the bracket is 50 metres or so. Less than 50, one may do. You could get programmatic as an added touch once you work out what's going on and compute the distances and write out either two or one on the separation :). Pythagoras.
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Feb 23, 2019
I’ve been waiting for a fix for the MiB2 WiFi units for a while now so glad it’s finally here !!

I’ll buy myself poinspect0r and have a play.

No idea where to start though yet, will probably try a free database first if I can find one.
(I’ve got the one from the Briskoda thread sat around that has never worked on this unit , can this be converted to work somehow I wonder ????)
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Feb 23, 2019
Bought poinspect0r today and spent most of the day having a play.

Managed to download a scdb database from a forum that seems quite up to date.
(Eu database with over 51k entries).

Done a demo run and seems to be working ok so far !!
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If PocketGPSWorld goes under I'll know where to go. That one I had on recommendation... something that Skoda people use ;). Crowd sourced observations. Think sometimes they have mobile cameras miss classified as fixed cameras in it. Mobile ones are suppose to come up for review, miss classified they don't. You can report ones that dont exist to get them removed. There seems to be a fair amount of misclassification ones, but saying that it does pick up and warn where mobile speed checks are pretty regular even thou they have been put in as fixed cameras. I'm generally not bothered by an element of misclassification. You get a free newsletter as well.

Once you get the frame work set up in Poinspector and remember to delete the data and not the category it's pretty easy. I update quarterly or so, or long journeys and destinations much more frequently.

BTW The breakdown of cameras on the GPSsWorld one is:

897 EU mobile
17887 EU fixed
1625 UK mobile
14832 UK fixed

(My last download)

Other people here load them up by camera type off that database.
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Oct 27, 2019
Hi - I haven't been here for a long time

I would like to ask - maybe someone knows if he is going to change / replace the warning sound with another?

Here's the video where someone changed it:

Anyone who knows how to do it?



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That sound... was it speech ?. Is generated within the unit rather than Radas import preparation program which formats the data to import into the infotainment unit in the VAG format. The sound is generated within the unit. I can see those that mod mib2 infotainment units could have found the language file that generates the sound. Possibly in the navigation map updates lurking under languages although without looking tricky to find. Don't reckon you would be able to do it with a mib2 high since the import is locked down with the sla1 signature which I don't reckon anybody can generate outside Vag. Navigation running from the SD card thats not protected from meddling. That's marked up as a DM in that video so a standard unit.

So reckon Radas will pass on that. As for mib3 Poi import that is in stasus. Let us know if you see something. Spanish board, the guy who distributes Spanish speed camera database via Poinspector had drew a blank which confirmed what I found looking at the menus of the mib3. No poi import or options to toggle display. Like mib2.5 POI import is via an app, but suspect Seat doesn't support the beep via that route... somebody can check for Seat mib3 via the app. VAG doesn't like beep warnings generated from POIs. Your best bet now when buying a new car is to get one with traffic sign recognition if you you want protection from speeding.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2019
I have standard navigation in Ateca 5F0035877
I asked whether it is possible to make such a sound for my version - the answer is yes

,, uploads by remote file sharing ,,

I don't know what it means or what it looks like ....
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Who told you that. The YouTube guy ?.

They might mean via the link boxes they put on mib2 units using Putty and the like to poke at the software in the box. Enjoy the Google

Base point one for retrofitters. Could be someone who's trying to flog you something remotely.

Another Google for you


Retrofitters use the published Github software and stitch it together. Still it keeps them off the streets.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
I was searching for information regarding importing POI groups on my recently acquired 2019 Touareg with Discover Pro MIB and found this thread so joined the forum although I don't have a SEAT car. From what I've deduced it appears that my unit is a MIB2.5 although I'm not 100% sure, the car was first registered in March 2019. I've registered with Car-Net and there's no online facility to import POIs there and I've tried using POI Inspector with several settings including Sibbling and Child tree structure options but nothing works. There's no Memory update option, only the System Update in the cars menu. We go caravanning a lot throughout the UK and France and I have several POI groups and I also subscribe to the PocketGpsWorld speedcams so it would be a real benefit if I could import them to the MIB.

Does anyone here know if it's possible to import POI groups on my car or is the system different in some way to that on SEAT cars ?


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I was searching for information regarding importing POI groups on my recently acquired 2019 Touareg with Discover Pro MIB and found this thread so joined the forum although I don't have a SEAT car. From what I've deduced it appears that my unit is a MIB2.5 although I'm not 100% sure, the car was first registered in March 2019. I've registered with Car-Net and there's no online facility to import POIs there and I've tried using POI Inspector with several settings including Sibbling and Child tree structure options but nothing works. There's no Memory update option, only the System Update in the cars menu. We go caravanning a lot throughout the UK and France and I have several POI groups and I also subscribe to the PocketGpsWorld speedcams so it would be a real benefit if I could import them to the MIB.

Does anyone here know if it's possible to import POI groups on my car or is the system different in some way to that on SEAT cars ?
If the unit has SD slots in it in the glove box it will be mib2 / 2.5 and Poinpector will work with them. It's designed to work with the predecessor of mib1, mib1, mib2 and 2.5. There is nothing for mib3. Passat models in 2019 had mib3. All VAG models basically mib3 from 2020 model range.

There are two versions of mib2. Mib2 standard including mib2.5 and mib2 high including mib 2.5. If the maps are not stored on a map card while it's running it's a mib2 / 2.5 high. All high units have an internal Juke box on the media player button if you keep pushing it. Either way to tell. The SSD of the high unit doubles up to store maps and music in spare space.

It's important whether it's a high or not on the final export of the data to the card of Poinspector it asks you that question. You must reply correctly. The Discover Pro is the high unit, the Discover Media is the standard unit. This might be where the process is going wrong. Get that right and the rest and it will work.

So really you need to resolve whether it has the SD slots in the glove box. No, it's a mib3. Second if mib2 / 2.5, standard or high (media or pro in your case). If yes, then it's just a question of perfecting the framework to import it into. Getting parent / child correct.
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Damo H

Remind me, what's an indicator?
Staff member
Oct 3, 2012
Car Length In Front
I was searching for information regarding importing POI groups on my recently acquired 2019 Touareg with Discover Pro MIB and found this thread so joined the forum although I don't have a SEAT car. From what I've deduced it appears that my unit is a MIB2.5 although I'm not 100% sure, the car was first registered in March 2019. I've registered with Car-Net and there's no online facility to import POIs there and I've tried using POI Inspector with several settings including Sibbling and Child tree structure options but nothing works. There's no Memory update option, only the System Update in the cars menu. We go caravanning a lot throughout the UK and France and I have several POI groups and I also subscribe to the PocketGpsWorld speedcams so it would be a real benefit if I could import them to the MIB.

Does anyone here know if it's possible to import POI groups on my car or is the system different in some way to that on SEAT cars ?
Best thing you can do is go into the menu's to see if there is a Point of Interest option. I know there were some units were the POI update broke and required a firmware update. Can't help you on whether or not that will be the case, but 2019 is the same build time where people where having issues with the Seat.

Edit - Listen to @Tell, he knows far more than I ever will :)
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
Tell & Damo H,

Thanks for the speedy reply, very helpful.

My MIB has one SD slot and a SIM slot and I need to check out the Juke Box so will report back.

When I got the car I suspected that the map hadn't been updated so downloaded the latest from the VW website and installed it with no problems. It was the Discover Pro map. It doesn't use the SD for navigation so I presume mapping data doesn't overflow to it. I have music files on the SD.

One thing I wasn't sure of when using POI Inspector for the MIB2 option is that the Personal POI folder contains 3 sub-folders (MIB2DE, MIB2HIGH & MIB2STD) so I just copied the folders as created to the SD card. Should I have copied just the PersonalPOI folder and metainfo2.txt from the appropriate sub-folder to the SD card.

From this information can you tell which POI Inspector options I should use and which folders / files to copy to the SD card.


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On folders you copy all out onto the SD card, but you must select the Discover Pro map option on the final write menu. It's done like that to frig how Vag uses signed files to import user POIs into the unit. Mib2 standard you use one option, mib2 high (your unit) the other. Then everything is copied out. Delete you SD card, fat32, pop in, run the production option selecting the mib2 high option in your case.

First time I've heard what Damo said, so I doubt it's that. But you must go into the map menu and bring out what you have imported. You only have 9 POI groups you can display in any case at any one time.

I suspect it's just the proforma that you need to perfect. I did put a note in the documentation about child / parents. The programmer that wrote the program made a slight change in how it shows from what I have. There was some subsequent ribbing in the text since it looks slightly different now but it's still the case that you must getting the children correct under the parent in one group.

This bit

It is important to construct the category sets as siblings hanging off the root as shown above for the Discover infotainment unit - top left tree structure. Discover infotainment unit only handles siblings on the route and nothing else.

The graphic looks slightly different now but still true. The previous RNS units allowed you much more structure but mib2 doesn't which is why you can't get carried away nesting branches. To support RNS units for backwards comparability Radas the programmer kept the feature in it, but it won't work with mib2 just parent and sibling in one group below.

At this point I added this text to this image:


(Nb. Revised screen is slightly different to the image above, you select between standard and high).

Looking at the ribbing text in the thread Radas tools now give you this:


So it hangs from there now and where I've written ignore that's where my stuff would be. You need to get the relationships looking like that ✔.

I still use the program frequently to import my user POIs expressed as x,y coordinates so as to arrive bang on where you want to go.
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
I also use GPS coordinates for all my POI's, usually obtained from Google Earth, so that I'm sure to get to the right spot.

Just to be clear, my POI tree structure has to be Sibblings like this:-

POI Tree Structure.jpg

And the transfer type I select is this:-

Transfer To SD Or USB.jpg

And the SD Card / USB Stick structure should end up like this:-

SD Structure.jpg

I'm using POIinspector V6p but haven't donated yet until I get it working.

On my car there's no option in the Navigation/Memory menu to upload or update POIs, the only update route available is via the Settings/System menu where there's a "System Update" option. Up to now on my failed attempts I get an error message saying no update found (or words to that effect) but I've noticed it writes an XML file to the root of the SD Card / USB Stick.


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Yes... yes... yes to most of that. To test against Damo H text that a menu might be missing in your car, might be worth trying to install the free test version of scdb:

In navigation settings, manage memory where where you should see the POI management. If you try a freebie program that least helps you find the POI import in the car. Knowing that works you can perfect the Poinspector proforma. The POI import menu would only be missing in the car if in VWs wisdom with Carnet they deleted it. In Skodas version it was kept in. In Mib3 its gone, Mib2 its there, my understanding but if you can't find that option then it will have been deleted.

Another commercial program:

Worth having a look at the video... although in German and Discover Media the POI import menu of the unit is shown. Without running the program the import option should show. Failing that flick the pages of the VW infotainment manual that came with the car.

More you can do with Poinspector. When VW had the web based service to generate the POI import file from your own POIs you didn't have the hassle of setting up the proforma although a once only thing after that you just import into it. The commercial speed camera databases are just limited to just that, you can't import your own favourite POIs which I find is one of the main points. It makes the cars navigation system look like a traditional one with your own destinations marked up on the screen.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
Well it's not working, I've tried both Sibbling and Child tree structures and there's no option anywhere for loading POIs onto the system, nothing in the Navigation menu structure. I've registered with Car-Net and traffic is working but there's no option now to upload POIs so I think they've completely removed all means now of doing it.

I'll try the free SCDB database but I'm not hopeful now of any success. I've got TomTom on my Android Phone with all my personal POIs and speedcams but for some reason it's not working with Android Auto so maybe I should concentrate on trying to get that to work. Pity when you shell out a hell of a lot of money for a car like this and end up with a SatNav system that you can't customise.


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VW have removed services off their website not honouring the 5 year rule that they give you 5 years life after they stop making the car. The based POI import was one, hence the use of Poinspector. Carnet poi import seems to be another one.

Yes if you can't find those options. There is a chance that you can do it via the developers menu. All imports including POIs can be done in the backend. Obdeleven can be used to enable the developers menu. Having done that a long press on the menu button will bring up two screens. The one with SWDL on it is the developers software import menu, the last one (that screen is locked down in mib2 till you unlock it with VCDS type of tools, so you dont see that till it's unlocked). That can be used for updating maps, POIs and software. If they just removed the POI import off the front screen menus you can do it that way. But if it's a total redesign in your car of mib2 in a transition period to mib3 then you may not. If your system doesn't allow you to pick out the type if inbuilt POIs to show, like petrol stations etc... You might still be stuck. Damo may well have been correct. You might have a transition unit when VAG were moving to mib3 and connect services.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
Tell, I really do appreciate all this help. I have the latest version of VCDS which I've been using since I got my first Treg. I'm not familiar with Obdeleven, can I do what I need to do with VCDS.


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I believe you can. It was originally only in Obdeleven but was liberated... I pass on the finer details of VCDS / Ross tech

The only thing is if your screens don't show you the POI selection of built in ones you wouldn't be able to pick them off unless it's a form of suppressed menu in the infotainment system. Basically you need to be able to see the POIs in the unit. They are divided into the built in ones in the maps and the user defined ones. If you can select which POIs in your unit to show from the built in ones then there is a chance that you can import the user defined ones thru the backend menu and they would appear alongside the built in ones. You just toggle the ones to bring up.