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Was the car's map card fully installed or did you use your own ?.

Map card slot 1, poi card slot 2. There should be no reboots after the poi import, that's to say importing poi's will not cause the system to reboot.

Those two variants values were the ones that people had success with on that thread.

I see at least three people have got it to work on there up to today.

I see one also said

"But first delete the personal folder in the navigation system if an update has already been made."

If I'm reading that correct they are suggesting don't rely on the system updating the Poi's if you have slready imported some. There is a menu option on the unit which says Delete personal pois. Normally you just import them over the top. Might be important.

Then really need to separate the people posting into 877 and 877A if you had that information. There was success with 877. That's Paulie today.
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Active Member
Oct 27, 2019
The map card was mine from Leon but navigation with this card started.
The latest navigation 1430 loaded on the card

I put the map cards in the left slot.
I put the POI card in the right slot.

The update progress was up to 100% and in a moment an error message and restarting the device ....
Maybe this car was in some service mode ....

On one of the cards I had what the Spanish have
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The map card was mine from Leon but navigation with this card started.
The latest navigation 1430 loaded on the card

I put the map cards in the left slot.
I put the POI card in the right slot.

The update progress was up to 100% and in a moment an error message and restarting the device ....
Maybe this car was in some service mode ....

On one of the cards I had what the Spanish have

On the download from the Clubseatateca site I can't see that would work myself.

They haven't altered the signature on the route file which means they have introduced characters which aren't signed.I'd have to check it but pretty sure it would be hard pressed to read that from the top directory. That's why we ignore that since it can't be changed.

If you copied the MIB2TSD to the route you might be in with a chance. The top stuff isn't required in any case.

Oh well wait and see with the army of testers :).

As I said we need to see results classified by


It's interesting that where the varient codes were posted they were pulled.


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You will have to wait till you get it home and then study the German and Spanish boards as to what they are saying. As I said before one guy on the Spanish board (Jose Soria) has a vested interest since he's the person behind the Spanish speed camera database so I'm sure he'll get down to the bottom of it. It was him that isolated the 877 as having the issue with the MY19 cars way back when and told Radas of the issue. He uses Poinspector to create the Spanish speed camera database.

May be the units are short of memory or something so by forcing it in via the variant it creates a problem if the data is too much or something. Just a thought. You don't expect it to reboot.

I think I'm also going to fall back on my previous argument that it may be the unit's firmware rather than hardware in the 877 & 877A. The firmware can be common between the hardware which behaves differently in the hardware. So as well as the 877 and 877A hardware behaviour with those German files being exchanged you got to also table the firmware to determine what works and what doesn't. Thus a table of what works with those editted in files with the variant code needs to go:

Hardware 877 / 877A (which), firmware (which), Yes / No whether it works

It doesn't also help that those files being exchanged on the German / Spanish threads have a route level signature error as well, so you have to extract out the directory below below.

If they can install them using those POI files and you can't that tell you something. I'm sure Radas will edit the program when the dust settles if a solution is found so you don't have to adjust the checksums by hand. It hasn't yet. I don't have the unit, nor does he, so tricky. Little telling that the source of the variant values deleted the post according to the German board which sort of indicates that a total solution might not have been found for the 877 and 877A units.
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I see they are all celebrating on the thread

So I think you just had an unfortunate experience... Eleanor when you tried it out. I'll inspect their latest file which they will have hand modded. I see Jose Soria is on that thread as well having produced it / Ano.

Hopefully Radas will then incorporate the code in to Poinspector to avoid the hand adjustments. Post 645 is their test file (although currently corrupted those). Think post 635 is what they are celebrating where Jose Soria modded the Poinspector output and they seem pleased after that. 645 currently has bug.

Celebrations are around there.

Mod appears to be what I told you to do... probably read it from here :).

So you need to try the he published in post 635.

Will drop Radas an email... he was on his sick bed yesterday.
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Right Jose has now published the Spanish speed camera files which covers the problematic Seat My19 and My20 part number finishing in 877 and 877A. So anybody with one of these cars reading the thread can test :). They have satisfied themselves it's working. Post 2253.

The hand mod was done on the checksums to produce these with the extra variant fields. I asked Radas to edit the program so it does them itself.... he's feeling better today :). He was in conversation with the distributor of the Spanish speed camera file and corrected his....

We wait for Eleonor to get her car or visit the garage to try again but it's simple enough for anyone with one of these effected heads to register on the Spanish site and download to test... since you got nothing to mess up. I did test my hand mod how to do it on a standard non 877 / 877A and it was fine following the German boards information on the need for those additions. Post 155 above. That's an abridged way of getting it in.
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Active Member
Oct 27, 2019
Waiting for Friday - at 13.00 I pick up the car.

Maybe car I checked in the salon had some service mode - that's how I explain it.

On Friday I'll let you know if it works for me :)
Keep fingers crossed :)
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Revised POINSPECTOR fixing the MY19 / MY20 778 & 877A issue is now available for download on the site:

If an update just copy all the files over to the POINSPECTOR director. It is release 6.m but was recompiled today and distributed 2nd March 2020. There was an earlier 6.m that needs copying over from what I can see.

Thus it's fixed and you don't need to recalculate the checksums yourself.

I'll tidy up the top of the thread latter.
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May 10, 2019
Tested on a MY19 877A Seat Leon Speed camera POI added successfully and showing ok on display using demo mode.

Many thanks to all involved
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That's good to know. I only have access to the high and the standard but non 877 / 877A.

It's a German POI publisher that leaked the technical info to the fix, Eleonor reading the Ateca German board, Jose king of Spanish speed camera POIs, Radas the Poinspector developer and I. We'll take a bow ;).

I use Poinspector it to get the speed cameras in and frequent destinations for hikes etc where you pick off the Poi and save as a destination - an old Skoda trick I was told about - slightly bizarre but turns the screen into a traditional GPS view of favourite destinations and populates the destination menu. Use Android app N45, E25 for the coordinates which gives peaky boos to Google Street View, access to Google Maps and Openstreet maps (Good for outdoor activities) where you want exact precision to destinations) and gives you decimal degree coordinates as well as the cars DMS On Map input. So it covers all bases. They are the ones I input as favourites as POIs but note as I said the input is in reverse order to normal coordinates,




and in decimal form.

That's only if you want to run with speed cameras and favourite destinations.


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Mar 6, 2020
Hi Many thanks to all who have contributed to this thread. I have been following it from I discovered a problem uploading POIs to my new Ateca which has the 877 unit. Tried the new program this morning and it works without any mods. I was able to load all my POIs. Just need to go back and read up on how to configure them the way I want it to work. I reported the problem to my dealer as soon as I discovered it on a new Excellence Lux and it was back in the dealer 4 times. The dealer contacted Seat about it in October but is still waiting for a response. So again many thanks to all involved
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Thanks Dsfar for the feed back on the 877 unit. I will clean up the warning messages about it not working from the top of the thread and across now we've had positive reports on all units.

Seat Spain preferred to tell their Spanish customers it wasn't supported... clearly somebody along the line neglected to tell anybody that the unit used new identifies. I think it's just like a macro load it sits there looks for the variant ID then knows what to do with it. Firmware based. Most bizarre that the firmware authors neglected to tell anybody. As mused, I reckon it must have been discovered by someone going over a copy of the firmware to determine what was actually going on.

On these VAG units, standard and high you have up to ten user POIs you can select to show. You can see on the thread that some users import more than these then toggle on the ones they need at the time. Another possibility. For the standard unit after POI import you toggle back on the user POIs. The high remembers.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2019
Today I picked up the car from the salon.
POI importing works for 877 , audio warning also.

Great job :)
Thank you all
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2011
Hi Guys
I have an 877 unit in my ateca and would like to put poi on it.
I can get the long/lat of speed camera zones but there are 2 lots of numbers.
start/ end for both.
Any tips?
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