
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


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You need this from the Skoda servers

I've wrapped it in the Skoda download manager so it offers you a downloaded exe file which is the Skoda download manager. Click on the download, the servers then deliver the file and it comes down using their protocol. More stable connection than without.

You can unzip direct to the SD and also save to the HD so you have the zip copy as well or / and unzip it with 7zip. Note other programs can cause issues. Assume you aren't using a MAC else you follow those but the built in unzip of the download manager negates that.

You get this release


Saying this early versions were zipped with Winrar and you can read mention of this on the Briskoda site.

Basically the unzip part of the download manager won't work but since you checked the box to save the zip file you then run Winrar on that drag and drop the directory. Save time always unzip to HD then copy to SD - that's always much faster. In this instance you must use Winrar since these early files were zipped with that with difference compression. I kept the preamble in about using 7zip on a PC but for this file we use Winrar.

SD should look like this:


& file DBInfo.txt

to the SD card. Both at the route level.

You then have the release as described by the DBinfo.txt file as you wanted:

PartNumber2="5G0919866N "
PartNumber3="5E0051236E "
PartNumber4="5F0919866H "
SystemName=" ECE 2014/15 "

PartNumber4 is the Seat ID (the one you wanted). Common release across brands but steered by the part number.

Ideally that should be put back onto your original card and should work - assume you lost it by accident. Your Mib2 card may be fine with this on it if VAG used the same CIDs lead in codes between Mib1 and Mib2.

Best of luck, let us know how it goes.
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Oct 22, 2020
Tell, have to say it!! Man, You're a LEGEND!

This have worked pretty much I have deleted all the files from the card (not formatting, just deleting) and copied the new ones on, few minutes of loading and I got my sat nav for 22 pounds rather than 124 (as that much seat would charge me for card with outdated sat nav, another 108 for an update..)
Tomorrow I will do some more experiments as over the past few days I've seen few more archives like this but hence it was slightly different to the files I already had on the SD card I didn't want to mess around as I tought it's waste of time. I'll find those files again and will let You know, maybe even will make separate thread as if it will be successful attempt of update a MIB1 :)
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Glad it worked for you. If you do manage to update add it here and make a separate thread as well just in case it gets missed. I think you will find you are able to load previous maps but won't be able to go beyond the one the unit is registered against. That is to say there is an identifer in the release map that is registered within the unit. Mapcare seems to use a cascading marker within the overall.nds file - the cascade is the releases that you see in the file. The weekness was preserving that file satisfied mapcare but also allowed the unit to function since the files are not signed against change.

For reference was that using your original mib1 card or the mib2 card you bought?. Ah £22 Is the mib2 card, got that now. So run in CID is preserved.

The person (Stefan / Exciter) who devised the original workaround for the mib2 standard used a bin walker to identify how the files worked together. Suspect when a Palestinian person extended it to more recent VW units to use rest of the world maps they did the same again on an import European car, using the method again which identified a whole host of NDS files across the directories (or just decided to change them all). Covered in the resource section on updating standard mib2 maps on import / export cars. T6forum method but extended to Seat with the workaround but needing a more advanced workaround - suspect the firmware in these newer mib2 units requires this.

The mib1 standard solution that's offered by retrofitters abroad is to open the unit up and reprogram the unit. That service does not seem to be offered by retrofitter in the UK. Said mib1 are more fragile but profit margins may be greater on selling a mib1 to mib2 as an upgrade.


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May 28, 2006
Croydon, South London
So I've tried to work through this thread but I got to about page 20 when I realised that it was probably going to take me all week to get to page 117...!! :)

So before I waste anymore time, I'll just ask, has there been any progress on getting this working on MIB1 units or should I just give up and keep using my phone? :D:D:D

Thanks in advance!


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Well LuckyLuke above is going to give it another go. What I did for him was to find the lost content and he found the replacement blank VAG mib2 card for the CID which could be used in the unit mib1. That one falls into the lost or stolen card category.

There is a resource for the thread now since I wrote it which means it's all in one place clear to read, why I said if you do manage to find a workaround for mib1, post it up and I'll add it to the resource. Change the title as well.

Will accept newcomers for Mib3 ;).

I will edit in the mib1 fix for lost and stolen cards now we know that a mib2 card can be used to get the CID although finding old mib1 files can be tricky. Skoda has a good download library although their servers can be ropey but are fine if you wrap the download into their download manager command which doesn't always work. Skoda servers are the lifesaver at times.

Should also thank all the effort of others to flesh out finding the original year dot mib2 standard download and testing out stuff.


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Saturday reading on a German forum convincing post on why the June 2020 release for mib2 standard didn't happen:

TomTom has a problem with the map

In addition to VW, Ford, Nissan, Opel etc. are also affected

Older navigation models are affected, but the Mib2 may also be there and therefore the delay


Federal roads are listed as toll roads; this leads to questionable route calculation if Avoid toll roads is activated

So that is suppose to be the reason why the June release didn't happen. Given that they had the trailer speed as the max speed on roads a few years back in one release (1310 I recall), is believable.

On other fact and fiction it appears that Seat haven't as yet priced up the connect service for Mib3 beyond the first years complimentary service. Something that needs to be born in mind if you cherish your map updates.
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Oct 22, 2020
For now (I have only tried last weekend and today) I didn't managed to update anything. I have got a maps but it doesn't let me to update it to any other version, I don't know if it's because of I have MIB2 card, or its something else but I'll keep trying tomorrow! :)


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For now (I have only tried last weekend and today) I didn't managed to update anything. I have got a maps but it doesn't let me to update it to any other version, I don't know if it's because of I have MIB2 card, or its something else but I'll keep trying tomorrow! :)

You are on Mib1 standard, so we got you working again after the card that was lost / misplaced but you have hit the mib1 Mapcare issue of no known DIY trick you can do. Unless you are a software engineer like I reckon Exciter was / is who devised the mib2 standard workaround method, you won't be able too. He zoomed fairly directorly onto it using software tools which makes a good read.

The mib1 map database file type you find on a Google, but says proprietary last time I looked at (on Openstreet wiki) which means they haven't published how it works. You might find a solution on stand alone navigation devices that may use the file system if it's been worked out. Medion brand as I recall shares the same file structure. Suspect a lot of people will have looked at it over the years.
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European Mib2 High / Plus Map Release for November 2020

It broke cover on Skoda servers at the weekend, subsequently on VW servers.

VW servers, direct download link:

Skoda servers direct download link:

Skoda servers are / can be problematic... best to use the VW one as first choice.

Linked resource gives details on MAC issues etc and how to do it, saves going over it again. Note FEC issues and Mapcare.

Normal success picture:

nb MIB2 High only where your FECs allow. In VW naming convention: ECE 2021. Mib3 (new Seat 2020 face lift models) you got your connect services but older maps :love:. We don't know whether they can be updated from VW Mib3 released maps or not offline, what the software update button does etc. Needs someone who knows there way around the system and familiar with downloading MIB2 maps to try it with the VW 2020 mib3 released maps via the VW website since on paper they are newer than ones I've seen on Seat MIB3 units (release date 2019). Seat released maps always lag behind VW and Skoda released maps (circa 6 months plus) although same upload file release within system group. Saying that we don't know whether this is true with MIB3 or indeed it can be done with the units released in the UK (ZN1).

Those living in non Europe Rest of World 2021 (haven't tested it - thanks to Briskoda site)

& the European one is now official on Skoda servers wrapped up in the webpages. If you have a Skoda Vin you find it. I have a Skoda VIN to test for both standard and high mib2.
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European Mib2 Standard for November 2020

Thanks to the eager beevers on the Briskoda site and the German Skoda Community and Drive2 and Uncle Tom Cobley and all some of the European standards maps have now be located on the VW servers. Publication appears to be like before in zones but only three zones published so far. The all European map hasn't arrived yet. This feels about rights.

(Note. See post 2337 below for all Europe)

Direct links:

Andorra, Belgium, Faroe Islands, France, Gibraltar, Iceland, Ireland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom



Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine



Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Malta, Poland, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Vatican City State



Anyone with a burning need, there you go. Probably with COVID-19 about unlikely that any one really needs the all Europe map yet.

Wait for the rest if you need it. It's been a year since the last release.

Name check MartiniB and Langers2k from the Briskoda site for locating the files.

The workaround is in the resources section to the thread to use with Seat units. Note Mac issues as per normal.


Normal success picture:
View attachment 19639
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Active Member
May 6, 2017
I've had a play with 1520 on my MIB2 Std and all looks ok. Still gets on my tits when I have to recreate half of my Favorites each time I update!
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I've had a play with 1520 on my MIB2 Std and all looks ok. Still gets on my tits when I have to recreate half of my Favorites each time I update!

Went out for a drive with it on Friday. Was fine didn't do any motorway driving where all of the standard ones don't tell you 70's the limit. High does. Haven't checked that again. Hoping it reflects the toll bridges changing to free - yet to check. High does since they skipped 6 months.

Favourites, think you might have mentioned before. Destinations and recent are un-effected. Just speed camera databases and other POIs need to be re-ticked to show other than that, the rest is smooth. (Mib2 high it remembers your user POIs that you want to show.)

If yours does something different, may be a variation in the firmware perhaps.

Ps still TomTom cartography wondered whether they had consolidated back to Here Maps used on Mib3 and Mib2 High and I think on Mib1 standard, but no still TomTom.
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OK the Mib2 Standard November 2020 release for all of Europe has now appeared on Seat servers thanks to the eagle eyes of the Skoda German Community board. Bit of a first for Seat given they always lag behind on. Not wrapped up in a webpage but it's this:

I see it now reflects the toll bridges being free.

Same instructions as before don't delete the contents of the SD card, you need a copy and how to do the workaround is in the resource section:

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Mib2 Standard Rest of World 2021 Release (November 2020)

For non European readers of the board the rest of the world (ROW) files have been located on Seat servers, workaround obviously applies see resource section, direct links:

Israel, Argentina, Brazil, Fr. Guyana *, Guadeloupe *, Martinique *, Mexico, Turkey *


India *, Chile *


Australia, New Zealand, Botswana *, Lesotho *, Mozambique *, Namibia *, South Africa, Swaziland *; Reunion *, Brunei, Indonesia *, Malaysia *, Philippines *, Singapore, Thailand, Egypt *, Algeria *, Bahrain *, Jordan *, Qatar *, Kuwait, Morocco, Oman *, Saudi Arbien *, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates *


Nb all off the part files for Europe are also on Seat servers but given you can use the all Europe map posted above there is no point in using the smaller files.
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Yes the standard navi were all discovered last week and posted as they were found by boards across Europe see posts 2333, 2337, 2339.

For Europe the only one you want is 2337, the all European map covers everything in the sub files. Since it uses a geo info database is just as fast in operation as the sub files once the system is booted up. They were more designed for mib2.5 over the air download that never came to Seat.

Direct download link:

2339 covers the rest of the world which we don't normally post up on the thread, but it's become apparent that Seat is now across many markets. Ateca Cupra thread, Israel, Singapore and Australia / NZ. Helped somebody out to get their infotainment system working which came without a card due to local conflict issues found the latest image at that time. Hence expanded the thread to provide the MRM files. For some reason MRM1 wasn't on VW servers but Seat had it. Became apparent most VW cars in S America were running with old maps which they could update to the latest :unsure:.

The high / plus file is also out posted in 2332.

How to do assorted tricks is in the resource section of the board, basically covers everything we know of Mib2 standard and high / plus:

All the current links are in there and how to do it on a Seat.

MartiniB is keeping a good link for the 2021 standard release as they come up. Past him Seat ones last week:

High release:

That has the additional mib2 high rest of the world (ROW) high one in it for anyone with valid high navigation FECs, see resource link to this thread of how to check.

Direct link:

Basically digging out these files is a combined effort between European Vag boards ? (including Drive2, Seat German Community and Briskoda). Better luck this year since Seat is getting it's game together at long last of atleast loading current files on its servers even if the web pages don't reflect that.
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