
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


Active Member
May 7, 2018
If it's a UK sourced car you haven't got it but then I thought you did the workaround above here with the last release, copying that file out and back in. The one with step [0] take a back up copy.

I didn't do the workaround as I thought it wasn't going to update the maps. Will it?

I checked and my car is:

Hardware: H41
Software: 0468
Navigation Database: 6P0919866R
ECE1 2017/18
Media Codec: 4101.0.0.0
Bluetooth version: C300
Full Link: 4101.438.1.5 (not enabled it seems)
Radio database version: 1.9.4


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I didn't do the workaround as I thought it wasn't going to update the maps. Will it?

I checked and my car is:

Hardware: H41
Software: 0468
Navigation Database: 6P0919866R
ECE1 2017/18
Media Codec: 4101.0.0.0
Bluetooth version: C300
Full Link: 4101.438.1.5 (not enabled it seems)
Radio database version: 1.9.4

It will update the map and take you 12 months on. 820 to 1030.... that's all the workaround does workaround the unmentionable
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May 23, 2018
What about you Tell? Did you update to 169 the data which can be updated (everything but not the maps. Unfortunately...)?


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I have updated everything I can update in the mib2 high / plus which is everything other than the Navdb files following my guidelines... posted in July 2017. It's a lot more technical than the standard one. For that you do have to have the update file for the matching release for the car or one before, since if you do try to update the Navdb it will lock you out. The update command files are signed. I'm still looking at the way to workaround the signature. There is a command(s) which say ignore the signature and that appears in the POI update side. Whether you can use this more than once in a second call, yet to check and essentially you would re-write parts of the update file. I have used the command once to call to the Mib2 map navdb part having deleted the signatures although the command is ignore signatures and checksums. This is based on my hunch that it's just the update number that the unit is looking at, edit that to a lower number and it will pass it, but haven't been able to test that yet. Basically the update process in the mib2high is a macro that copies across the files to the SSD, so you may be able to change the process. Not having the car parked on the door step makes this tricky on the turnaround, that's about to change.

My existing method process is just using the SWDL upload menu via the developers menu which allows you to selectively update parts of the navigation system. That's when I discovered that it consisted of independent parts each with its own release number. 169 say is the Navdb code, Eggnob etc have their own. Those aren't locked down. That's after at one stage I'd updated to a higher number on the update, managed to delete all the Navdb files, loaded back in just the ones that corresponded to the car at delivery and the navi worked with a combination of updates, new and old across the release update. Inspection of the update file showed they were independent with different regional zones although all in one single update.

I like the Mib2High so I'd like to order it for my next car so I'm giving myself about four months to see whether I can do it other than that I'll get the standard unit given that Mapcare isn't being offered in this country. There is a German Seat dealer that is offering a Mapcare post fix update for the high, circa £500 - not sure how legitimate it is. The order code isn't a Seat number, whether this is real or not, not sure, although in both America and Australia VW upgraded sold cars to give them Mapcare. It ludicrous that Seat still delivers these cars without Mapcare. The dealers prattle on about licenses but the VAG group are part owners of Here Maps so whilst that was true a few years back it isn't true now - Seat in some countries just hides behind that happy to ship out cars with expensive upgrades or built in obsolescence.
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Active Member
May 6, 2017
Has anyone noticed any errors when unzipping the file 'DiscoverMedia2_EU1_2718_1030.7z' with 7-Zip? I'm getting errors with 9 of the files.



Active Member
Apr 27, 2018
No my files extracted OK AFAIK using The Unarchiver app on a Mac. This is the number of files processed on mine
13,521,416,601 bytes (13.91 GB on disk) for 6,750 items


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I did unzip to look at the contents and got one error but not the second time. Concluded it was due to having 7zip open twice.

I open the archive, then drag and drop to its own directory. That's faster than dragging and dropping to SD or USB, then copy to them out from there, least with the Plus else there is too much back and forth activity.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2018
My apologies if this has been covered before, but there is so much info on this thread my head is still spinning after attempting to ingest it all.

I have an 2018 FR with MIB2 with the 2017/18 V6 maps and have just downloaded the latest maps from the link posted on here. I am a bit of a coward and really don’t want to touch my original card, my question is:-

Is there any way I can use another SD card (I have a spare V6 card with the same part number as the one in the car)?


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My apologies if this has been covered before, but there is so much info on this thread my head is still spinning after attempting to ingest it all.

I have an 2018 FR with MIB2 with the 2017/18 V6 maps and have just downloaded the latest maps from the link posted on here. I am a bit of a coward and really don’t want to touch my original card, my question is:-

Is there any way I can use another SD card (I have a spare V6 card with the same part number as the one in the car)?

Jim there is but it's complicated and will only work with some cards and you need Linux so basically no. It was covered in the early days by the one of the two people that developed the workaround. You end up cloning the hidden partition but only some cards you can do this with and hence Linux for the cloning. So it was identified that you don't need to do it but was just done for fun really to work out how it worked.

Then you will see people editing the headings, you don't need to do that either, that was again done by the two guys who were working out what they needed to do.

Just do the stages in post 958 - that's on page 48 on the numbering.

Take a complete copy of the card to an empty directory. Format the card or delete if you wish, write the new material in then do that the all important one file copy back as per the stages. BTW When you format or delete the existing material off the card Windows won't touch the hidden partition so you don't need to worry about that.

Because you took a back up copy you can always copy it back.
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2018
Thanks Tell for the comprehensive reply. Just 1 possible problem, I don’t have Windows just Mac and therefore I use The Unarchiver app rather than 7Zip app. This seems to show the unzipped file with rather more files and a larger size than those unzipped on Windows.

If all copies and works successfully will I still get the error reported by others when I connect OBDEleven?


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I don't have a Mac Jim but there is a utility that you can use to clear out any rubbish files that a Mac can produce. I know this upsets the Mib2High people... Will have a quick look to see whether I can find it. People haven't really reported Mac issues here which is mostly about the standard system.

I wouldn't worry about any hidden error messages.
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2018
Sadly didn’t even get as far as completing the backup

Could it be because the card is locked, does it need unlocking for a copy?


Active Member
Apr 27, 2018

Thank you so much Tell, I appreciate your efforts. I have managed to update the maps via my Mac using the method previously mentioned with no problems. I got the error of ‘Navigation database not enabled’ after an OBD11 scan but after clearance, it did not appear after a further scan.

For total amateurs, I will post up an idiots guide for updating MIB2 via a Mac, it may help another dunce like me!
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