SW update for MIB2 infotainment system?


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I believe most of those last improvements are for AA and Car Play. ZR are the production ones. PR ?... could be back reading or the experts. It's come up before. If a choice ZR are the ones to go for.

Erwin is suppose to contain notes although I've never looked for these. £7-50 per hour. The PDF manuals are good thou.

The releases are all signed which means they cant get into the unit if edited unless someone has a Cray computer like GCHQ to remanufacture the signature... in general that is and a bit bright. The GEM tool kit apps of which there are atleast three use an exploit to get into mib2 units where a back door was left open. That's how they get loaded in. Not so sure how the mib2 high 1448 AIO was done. Never asked. That appears to be an assembly of the original 1448 release which had missing language files and initial screen problem, well documented that got put back in rather that using SWDL to top up with the previous release which had them in (old method and fumbling with the screen) and elements of what the high toolkit does. That's the only exception I'm aware off.
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Oct 8, 2019
I believe most of those last improvements are for AA and Car Play. ZR are the production ones. PR ?... could be back reading or the experts. It's come up before. If a choice ZR are the ones to go for.

Erwin is suppose to contain notes although I've never looked for these. £7-50 per hour. The PDF manuals are good thou.

The releases are all signed which means they cant get into the unit if edited unless someone has a Cray computer like GCHQ to remanufacture the signature... in general that is and a bit bright. The GEM tool kit apps of which there are atleast three use an exploit to get into mib2 units where a back door was left open. That's how they get loaded in. Not so sure how the mib2 high 1448 AIO was done. Never asked. That appears to be an assembly of the original 1448 release which had missing language files and initial screen problem, well documented that got put back in rather that using SWDL to top up with the previous release which had them in (old method and fumbling with the screen) and elements of what the high toolkit does. That's the only exception I'm aware off.
Thanks for your time in replying, very much appreciated.


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Apr 12, 2022
Hi, I updated SW to prepatched MHI2_ER_SEG11_P4709_1 MU1447 AIO https://mibwiki.one/doc/mhi2_er_seg11_p4709_1-mu1447-aio-nsdkSohudF on my Xperience, but what I am missing that color of menu (lines, borders of item) are red instead of yellow color as it was in previous. When I hold Menu button, go to HMI Skin Change, there are two entries, but when i clicked, it doesnt change skin in fact.
5F Long coding: Byte 17 - 04 (carbon look, done immediately by prepatched SW)
Byte 18 - 05 X-Perience (probably origin)
SW is rooted, so maybe linux coding and binary changing is possible, but I dont want to do this.

//edit ... I looked on older videos, and maxidot have yellow outlines and main unit red one (paired with illumination of buttons) so IT IS OK ... but for me strange, like usage of two color concepts...


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I see what you mean. The outline colours are suppose to match the ambient colour light scheme of the car so if you change the ambient light of the car the highlight surround colour changes. The main display would suggest your ambient light is set to red if you got ambient lights.

Must be a coding thing going on between your maxidot display and the unit. I'm on 1338 and mine are all blue the same colour as the ambient lights. I was upgraded to 1338 originally by a retrofitter where previously I had the old display without the highlighting on the main display which colour to the ambient. So I got the colour coordinated scheme when I got lifted from the old pre 1xxx firmware.

I will double check today that the maxidot is blue inline with the rest and it changes with the ambient as I said. If it is as I said which I'm 99% sure probably some coding flag needs to be changed to get the maxidot to fall inline with the main display. See what others say unless this is a 1447 bug ?. Certainly the highlighting on the main screen takes the ambient colour scheme. Pretty sure I don't have yellow on the maxidot... will post up.

The way Seat work without user variable colour ambient lighting is make the surround colours on the display the same colour as the car. If you haven't got variable user ambient lighting it would suggest your car is yellow ?. In that case probably needs some coding set or you go into the ambient colour lighting setting if it's showing one on the 5f and set to yellow ?. To me this revolves around whether you got user defined ambient lighting. Coding if you have, if not try to find the ambient scheme option if it's showing and set to yellow to match the maxidot.
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Apr 12, 2022
right now am not sure how it should look like, but i am sure that sw version 0123 has amber/yellow/orange outlines and lines on main unit and fits to maxidot color... but on the screenshot from past I see also that my unit was sometimes red...so I am not sure i it was switching somehow or what ?
on youtube videos i see that every color is possible ... here is Radio in Red. Car info in yellow ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYrYv3dSyag ..................here is Radio Red, Navi Blue
........Here is Maxidot Yellow, Radio Green
................. so I dont know how it should looks like, and if my prepatched version is ok .. I really dont wat to touch firmware and change image resources because I am not linux friendly and dont want to brick unit


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Mine is all fine, colour coordinated. Have you got full ambient lighting or the cheaper type where it might not be supported ?. 1338 look. Themed. Last screen, vehicle, settings, background lighting. If that's not working and you got full ambient lighting then it will be coding.

20220412_133805.jpg 20220412_133837.jpg 20220412_134250.jpg

Some videos which give coding parameters.

I know people customise their ambient lighting pallet to give even more shades... wondering whether someone might have done that assuming your car has the full specification of the period. My build code was:

185 QQ9 VWGROUP LCP Interior ambient lighting, type 2

Type 2 is the critical bit, type 1 was the lesser beast. That's found on the build code list looked up from the Vin on Erwin. But you would know if you dont have full ambient lighting least if you can't change the colours on the palette prior to the firmware upgrade. If you got the palette colours then it will be coding. May be the long string of the 5F needs working on if you come off an earlier train which you did to get the maxidot working correctly. As said I had a retrofitter initially to get me onto 1338 and the guys here to sort me out on mib2 tools when I needed some FeC work on 1338.

There is a 30 colour version that has been doing the rounds but if you haven't got the default full ambient unit in your car it won't do that. I'm wondering whether 1447 aio was set up for that and the more recent virtual cockpit rather than maxidot. That's done via coding. Someone might jump in soon.

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Apr 12, 2022
i jumped directly from 0123 to 1447 because it was prepatched (no necessary to change skin to 04 (byte 17), because it was done by patch.
I had to change type of car in first Byte 0 - 2 to : 047382 in order to show clima (air condition) menu and proper picture of car.
Bootup logo has no sticker with Seat Sound, but ENG117919-Startup_Screen_Sticker_HMI works if I change it from 05 00 to 02 00 but it show BeatsAudio sticker, but it is wrong. I want SeatSound but cant find proper value.
I resign to change red color to amber/yellow... to much effort


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i jumped directly from 0123 to 1447 because it was prepatched (no necessary to change skin to 04 (byte 17), because it was done by patch.
I had to change type of car in first Byte 0 - 2 to : 047382 in order to show clima (air condition) menu and proper picture of car.
Bootup logo has no sticker with Seat Sound, but ENG117919-Startup_Screen_Sticker_HMI works if I change it from 05 00 to 02 00 but it show BeatsAudio sticker, but it is wrong. I want SeatSound but cant find proper value.
I resign to change red color to amber/yellow... to much effort
@Chillout may be able to help if we can bring him up or @jpmedia or a host of others. I believe 1447 or just before brought in Beats Audio as an option but does also support Seat Sound (that will be VCDS / Obdeleven coding). On your ambient lighting question they may be able to help.

If you can hear the sub woofer it will be connected. I know I worried about this when I moved to 1338. Suspect it's just your ambient light which is the issue.

You want this on your 5f long string for the Seat Sound system:

I'm sort of glad I stuck with 1338 since I didn't want the hassle of a DIY firmware update on a high unit. Jpmedia sorted out what I wanted to do.
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Jan 23, 2020
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Apr 14, 2022
Hi. don't know if I can update Cupra 2015 infotainment


MHI2_ER_SEG11_S0257_MU0123 to MHI2_ER_SEG11_K3343_MU1433?

What sw download from Mibsolution? I searched there according to OBDeleven last 0319 and I don't see it anywhere! I've scanned the whole thread here and I'm still not wise to it! I have OBDeleven!

Thank you for your help!


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Apr 12, 2022
oh thank you Chillout, I remove 02 00 (BeatsAudio) which I can enable via coding (adaptation)... thats pity that latest sw is not fully backward compatibile with old variants of car...
and what about skin, (red lines), is it possible to change it somehow without hard hacking (swapping names of skin folders or so on) instead of adjustment rgb profile https://www.drive2.com/l/550087042839610039/ ?
I dont have ambient lights in car, I just want to have in main unit same color of lines, as it is on maxidot (yellow). this is nothing customization, just using existing skin what I see on anothers cars (and also in my prev. sw, but on foto i documented that main unit has red color - strange, if it was switching automatically based on algorithm or what)...


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Hi. don't know if I can update Cupra 2015 infotainment


MHI2_ER_SEG11_S0257_MU0123 to MHI2_ER_SEG11_K3343_MU1433?

What sw download from Mibsolution? I searched there according to OBDeleven last 0319 and I don't see it anywhere! I've scanned the whole thread here and I'm still not wise to it! I have OBDeleven!

Thank you for your help! View attachment 31030
That's what Mykro did it in one go. RCupra did one in stages:

Not sure of the advantage of that or not. Will probably get told by Chillout if he's still reading the thread. Think you can just jump to it but may be the staged approach preserves settings better ?.

The Obdeleven screen that will be reflecting the database of what people have done, not what's possible. Probably they haven't had any one jump to 1447 from 123 yet who uses Obdeleven. Pass on why 319 is not listed. The European hobbyist community probably doesn't have it.


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Apr 12, 2022
I dont think so that direct jump from lowest to highest version made an problem...
If 0123 consider Byte 0 - 2 to : 047303 as Leon ST Xperience and
1447 accept 047382 as Xperience, then there is no more sense to made in increasing sw version step by step. final sw has final word on it
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Jan 23, 2020
oh thank you Chillout, I remove 02 00 (BeatsAudio) which I can enable via coding (adaptation)... thats pity that latest sw is not fully backward compatibile with old variants of car...
and what about skin, (red lines), is it possible to change it somehow without hard hacking (swapping names of skin folders or so on) instead of adjustment rgb profile https://www.drive2.com/l/550087042839610039/ ?
I dont have ambient lights in car, I just want to have in main unit same color of lines, as it is on maxidot (yellow). this is nothing customization, just using existing skin what I see on anothers cars (and also in my prev. sw, but on foto i documented that main unit has red color - strange, if it was switching automatically based on algorithm or what)...
Yes, it's possible to make the lines all red.
I had a look at the ambiencecolormap.res, and it looks as follows:

I guess currently, you have this color:

I made a modification here (see the orange changed values):

You can download the modified AmbienceColorMap.res file here:
Install it with the MIB2Toolbox
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Apr 12, 2022
thanks Chillout, a lot valuable knowledge you leave behind in community..
but I have oppsoite, Red (now, 1447) which want to change to Yellow (I will play with script by myself no problem if there is a guideline)

but question is why I cant change it directly via long press of Menu with HMI Skin change (Normal, Sport, Cupra) - just it reacts to touch but no affect....... if skins are somehow tied to Coding or why anybode doesnt have problem with this ..
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Apr 14, 2022
It's not so much about updating the sw from 0123 to 14xx, but maybe if it's possible to activate Android Auto and Sport monitoring on 0123 ? That's what my son is most concerned about! Does this version of sw even do that?


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Apr 12, 2022
0123 is prehistoric and it is not possible to activate AA and so on..browse throught the internet and you can find statement from Seat towards 0123.
1447: I have activated Sport Monitor at Xperience 2015, but turbo pressure in [bars] is shown, some grams (air weight?), but last element - temperature is still --- unknown...I think that is is temperature of intercooler which has cupra and racing cars...


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0123 is prehistoric and it is not possible to activate AA and so on..browse throught the internet and you can find statement from Seat towards 0123.
1447: I have activated Sport Monitor at Xperience 2015, but turbo pressure in [bars] is shown, some grams (air weight?), but last element - temperature is still --- unknown...I think that is is temperature of intercooler which has cupra and racing cars...
Have you tried AA via your hardware on 1447 ?. Unless there is a hardware constraint those FeCs for AA and Car Play should be in I wouĺd have thought on the AIO version of 1447. That's unless there is a USB issue where the data side isn't connected. This is where people converting to mib2 from mib1 changed the USB.

The mib tool for mib2 high as opposed to the graphics one enabled the whole lot including the Sport Monitor. Life time navigation FeCs, AA, Car Play etc. I thought 1447 AIO did everything it sorted out the installation issue and removed the requirement for mib tools to do the FeC work but then I've never upgraded to it. So you got the kitchen sink with it.

What Mib Wiki said (you would use the latest link, not the one in the text):

So all FeCs should be present for AA / Car Play etc with the AIO version.00
I get the Sport Monitor on my TDI after Mib Tools 😂. You should be able to get off road but you might not get the tilt unless all vehicles have that fitted ?. I've always had that 😉.
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Apr 14, 2022
If I upload the codes to the infotainment for AA and Sport monitoring, do these functions activate or is 0123 just too old!?


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Apr 12, 2022
here is seat statement: https://www.seatcupra.net/forums/threads/5f0035020v-and-full-link.458606/
0123 will not support AA! You cas use 1447 AIO build from march 2022 which already has activated AA,Carplay etc.
AA works fine after update, CarPlay needs newest USB socket with security chip. Performance monitor is missing oil (intercooler) temperature, and car picuture was not right (byte 0 -2), but everything is fine including map update.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)