SW update for MIB2 infotainment system?


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May 6, 2017

Possibly 479T... see what other people say. You keep within the stream, you are on the 4 series. That's the last one shown on the link above. You keep whatever you had before as far as CarPlay, AA, map navigation.

Have a read around the thread. Will reboot a few times during a firmware update. You are suppose to keep a battery charger plugged in during the process but you can get away with the engine running. Loss of power during the update can / will compromise the unit.
@Giuseppe Busso . As Tell's said, 479T is the latest 4xxx on the website. Straightforward to do if you follow the instructions provided by East Yorkshire Retrofits https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx...703&ithint=file,docx&authkey=!AAUViPBSobQRqIg . I updated mine on a journey to work and only to 10 mins at the most (different model/version though)
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Giuseppe Busso

Jan 29, 2021
@Giuseppe Busso . As Tell's said, 479T is the latest 4xxx on the website. Straightforward to do if you follow the instructions provided by East Yorkshire Retrofits https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=C0B7D11666CCA9DC!8703&ithint=file,docx&authkey=!AAUViPBSobQRqIg . I updated mine on a journey to work and only to 10 mins at the most (different model/version though)
@Tell & @SteveGSXR600K1 thanks a lot guys...

I've read almost the whole topic. What's the difference at 5xxx versions?

If something goes wrong, can i downgrade?


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If it goes wrong and hangs there are procedures you can do which the guys will explain here... recall you take the unit apart and short pins. You really don't want to do that. It's only going to go wrong if it looses power.

The download is validated before it is uploaded based on the VAG signature on the files so a duff download won't corrupt the unit. Assuming it loads but you don't like it you can down grade within the series, keep within 4xx else you will have problems.
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Oct 8, 2020
you can leave as is . i have seen more of this units , that after dealer visit they have this not valid ones.same vin number , same vcnr on restore and double fecs goes straight to not valid after svm.
unit works just fine.
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Mar 18, 2021
Just have a MIB 2 with the following settings

NUMBER: 5QA035846A

No expert in this kind of jobs....so a newbie, but already updated main unit twice.

Looking for the best advice in order to get Full Link unlocked and activated...if i have to update to another version and patch, if i can patch with this version strait away and with what tools, what do i need to accomplishe that...any advice would be much appreciated.

By the way...some advice no keeping the engine running, some advice that car must be without engine running... any reasons for that?

greetings from portugal


Active Member
Sep 16, 2018
update to 0369 , then use patch without cp off you can get all for free on mibsolution one
Mar 18, 2021
update to 0369 , then use patch without cp off you can get all for free on mibsolution one
Strait forward? And do you recommend engine running or just ignition on?

Just to figure it out

First MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0369T firmware


Both files from mibsolution

Sorry about bothering
Mar 18, 2021
Just an aditional question... Do i have to make modifications in mibsolution one SE_ZR_P0369T_FEC_ALL_CID_OFF_CP_OFF_SPORT_FIXED patch or it's just uncompress and install?



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Engine running / not running or on charge. Suppose to be on charger. If a loss of power or flux then an update will fail and corrupts the unit. If the engine isn't running and not on charge the battery may fail. However if you are confident you are not going to stall the car then you can get away with the engine running. Trusty diesel parked isnt going to stall. Thats my thinking. How you have to do coding in anycase so no big deal.

Leave the question before to someone else.
Mar 18, 2021
Any Ideas? What could be wrong?
Jan 19, 2022
I'd try rolling back to 515. Problem with end of line I guess they won't be improving it if it's a step backwards as development has stopped.
Someone mentioned that after upgrade/downgrade there might be an error occuring in the car computer, something I should worry about? Or is it something that just is registered in the car computer and all but radio works same?
Also, the SD card should be FAT or NTFS formatted?
And what did you mean by "poor lead"? Sorry, I'm Polish and trying to figure out what "lead" are you talking about?
Jan 19, 2022
Also, I tried downgrading 0516 -> 0515, but it won't let me "Start", it's greyed out. It sees the firmware on the SD card and all, but doesn't allow to click start and next to the different components I see either N/A (once or twice), N (quite few) or D (also quite few), I guess N/A means nothing for my system, N means nothing changed in the firmware and D means Downgrade? but I dunno how to push the downgrade to install


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Someone mentioned that after upgrade/downgrade there might be an error occuring in the car computer, something I should worry about? Or is it something that just is registered in the car computer and all but radio works same?
Also, the SD card should be FAT or NTFS formatted?
And what did you mean by "poor lead"? Sorry, I'm Polish and trying to figure out what "lead" are you talking about?
Stick to Fat32. Other posters have reverted to 515 from 516.

SVM (serial version management) error is a flag that is picked up on a VCDS / Obdeleven scan. They don't effect how the unit works. Just a flag to say the software has been changed. They can't be cleared using the normal clear button that you press in Obdeleven. A decode, code has to be computed. There are websites that do that for you these days.

I went into it in this post:

You can compute the clear code via convoluted methods or use a newer website that does the Hex stuff for you, still need to use a coding tool to feed it in thou:

Basically its a little trap that Vag sets but the decode algorithm was discovered. For the mib2 standard you can do that. For the mib2 high you can do that as well but the Mib Tool for the mib2 high has it's own built in clear function so you sit back and let it do it, itself. Mine have all gone now with my high unit. Previously I used the method posted up.

A lot of people drive about with SVM errors not knowing. Only if a perfectionist that you get rid of them.

Btw you can only upgrade / downgrade within a series release, not across. YXX would be a release for mib2 standard. Y is the series (train). 515 is a 5 train. You cant easily move between trains, that why on the thread of recent people have been told to keep within series for home updating. Will brick the unit if you jump series. Some technical posts on here that cover it but requires programming.

Also, I tried downgrading 0516 -> 0515, but it won't let me "Start", it's greyed out. It sees the firmware on the SD card and all, but doesn't allow to click start and next to the different components I see either N/A (once or twice), N (quite few) or D (also quite few), I guess N/A means nothing for my system, N means nothing changed in the firmware and D means Downgrade? but I dunno how to push the downgrade to install

How to start your downgrade off, I'll let someone else reply. Suspect you need the SWDL menu by unlocking the developers menu. The backend menu. The front menu is for simple upgrading. That's the post above the one in the link I did on the Ateca thread on Obdeleven.

This one:

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Also, I tried downgrading 0516 -> 0515, but it won't let me "Start", it's greyed out. It sees the firmware on the SD card and all, but doesn't allow to click start and next to the different components I see either N/A (once or twice), N (quite few) or D (also quite few), I guess N/A means nothing for my system, N means nothing changed in the firmware and D means Downgrade? but I dunno how to push the downgrade to install
I'd go for it, failing that load 516 back on. Re reading feels like you might be seeing the SWDL screen. If it is like map updates that way one is incremental which shows the flags, the other is just do the whole lot. You fiddle with the start button, select all, go back, and do (or start) from memory. I explained these screens once on the thread.

D means valid data for an update in that one (not downgrade). N means nothing to do. Err... means nothing to do and not a good idea.

D is good.

That's from memory 🤣. That D will change after its done it.


Active Member
Oct 26, 2020
Can someone advise me on what version I can upgrade to. Here is my current software:


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