Stage 1 too much boost?


Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
Good Morning All,

After putting the Bluefin Stage 1 on my Cupra I noticed that there was a slight hesitation just above 4,000 rpm through to just over 5,000 rpm.

My thoughts were is it the Fuel Pump struggling or the DV? After an e-mail to superchips this morning they believe it's the Fuel Pump issue.

What's people's opinion on reducing the boost? Have people just left the map as the same or requested a programme with lower boost?

Your feedback would be appreicated.




Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
I've just received feedback from Superchips and their advice is to reduce the boost. In turn this will make the car run smoother and quicker.

This is all new to me guy's and I just want to get it right.
how does it hesitate? you mean you get constant pull through to 4,000 rpm then on till 5,000rpm its a bit flat? Usually when its struggling at the higher end its the fuel pump starving the engine cause it can't get juice in fast enough. When my DV split it felt like i was driving a 1.4, right foot down and not much happening.

This is the advantage with a Revo map as the trained technician installing it can match the boost / timing etc to each individual car.

I've been through 2 of the diaphragm DV's so they're not exactly capable of handling the extra power. Might be best fitting the new piston DV or forge recirc to see if it helps. If it isn't at least you have better more capable hardware fitted for peace of mind.


Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
After Superchips feedback it would suggest that its the fuel pump struggling. I'm downloading a new map as we speak to reduce the boost.

The DV was fine before going stage 1. I do intend to get a piston type DV very soon anyway.

With the Stage 1 the power delivery doesn't seem as linear as in standard form. The rev counter seems to do some strange things.


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
I doubt that to be honest. Log channel 230 on VAGCOM to see. For what its worth, I know a lad struggling with a SC map on his Ed30 at the moment except his issue is that it does not boost properly until after 4200rpm.


Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
Boost is O.K. up to around 4,500 - 5,000 rpm then the rev counter goes haywire. The car actually feels like its running smoother apart from this little niggle.

The revised map with the boost turned down is now on the car, just need to test it after work to find out the result. Fingers crossed.




Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
New file on the car with the reduced boost. Seems to be running better although there something wrong somewhere.

If you have the gas on full then when it revs in 4th or 5th it can drop the revs from 5,000rpm to 4,500 which seems a bit strange. Any thoughts?

If you use the throttle as more than just an on/off switch it picks up a lot better.

I would appreciate feedback before I contact Superchips again.


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
You really should get it logged by someone. I wonder if its a throttle related issue like the Ed30 I menioned before appears to have.


Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
What would cause the throttle concern?

To be honest I didn't think I would have any problems with Stage 1. I thought Bluefin was supposed to be plug n play with no issues. The car ran fine before going stage 1.

I will contact Superchips again and if they cannot get it right its going back.


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
What would cause the throttle concern?

To be honest I didn't think I would have any problems with Stage 1. I thought Bluefin was supposed to be plug n play with no issues. The car ran fine before going stage 1.

I will contact Superchips again and if they cannot get it right its going back.

I will be watching this with interest then. The Ed30 I logged ran fine in stock mode also, but when mapped, it only gets 100% throttle at just before 4000rpm even with the loud pedal burried in to the mat from 1000rpm which is giving the effect of little boost until just after 4000rpm.

This is why I am suggesting you log it mate. You wont really know whats actually happening until you do.


wonder if superchips will wipe their hands of the problem. All the best in getting it sorted mate, I remember your original thread and the banter I gave you about getting it done, so this is definetly not a good start :(


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Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
At the lower rev range its fine. Its only when on the accelerator is on full and reaching 5,000rpm when there's a problem. The rev counter goes back down to around 4,500rpm.

An e-mail has been sent to Superchips to request there suggestions. They do offer a 7-day money back guarantee is your not satisfied.

Let's see what happens tomorrow.
Jun 10, 2008
At the lower rev range its fine. Its only when on the accelerator is on full and reaching 5,000rpm when there's a problem. The rev counter goes back down to around 4,500rpm.

An e-mail has been sent to Superchips to request there suggestions. They do offer a 7-day money back guarantee is your not satisfied.

Let's see what happens tomorrow.

let us know how you get on mate.


Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
Latest update from Superchips:-

"The only potential change that we have to make with these 2.0 T engine is if we’re trying to run too much boost then you can have hesitations as the car cannot supply the fuel to run the boost. This happens more when you change the air flow in/out with intake/exhaust. However this manifests itself in hesitations rather than the rpm dropping by 500rpm, this sounds more like a clutch slipping??"

As far as I'm aware the clutch is fine as it's only had 20,000 miles use and not driven hard.

Awaiting feedback to see which is the best way forward.


Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
Hopefully the next file will work:-

"Well if it is the clutch then all I can do is reduce the torque until it stops, but equally the car will be running the highest torque at around 2-3000rpm on full throttle so if you floor it in 4/5/6th from 1500rpm and it doesn’t do it then it isn’t the clutch in which case I need to reduce the boost demand at 5,000rpm to stop it."

I'll keep you posted....


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
Test the clutch by having the car in 4th 5th or 6th under full load and touch the clutch and let go quickly. If the revs drop immiediately, your clutch will still be good. If it stays high or hovers, it is worn.

Doubt it will be gone after 20k on standard map if it has been nursed.


Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
3rd file now on the car and seems to have cure it, almost he says....I will test it again going to work.

It is a hell of a lot better than the 1st two files and its getting there.

I've never read any posts were people have had to have the torque reduced.

I will post back again tomorrow with my final summary.


Audi A6 2.0TDI 170 S-Line
Jan 2, 2008
North East
After much debate my Stage 1 experience has been short lived. My car is back to its originally form and I've now washed my hands of the Bluefin bad experience.

They 3rd file was a lot better but not right, so I decided that I would rather have a car they runs smoothly than a car that doesn't work at all.

I read all sorts of stories of MKV Golf GTI owners with similar problems with the Bluefin remap.

Thanks again for everyone's support on this one.

I will still be a happy lad with my Cupra in standard form.


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