SOS Error


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The D character comes hand in hand with the 1803 so when and if that changes the letter will change. The last character is a part number generated by the software. The hardware will be an Hxx where xx is something or other. The normal Mib numbering system that the last character changes as the software changes.

Part number conversation going on here for reference:

The Hxx is important to pin the hardware down in the unit with the software if the issue is all self contained within Mib3.... Mind you could be the left / right undertaking issue running a mock within the unit is down to the program running outside it's memory allocation (although that's only suppose to occur on specific bits of road). That's called something... oh yes memory leak 🤣. Perhaps that's the two issues with this software, memory leak. 😉.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
I have an update on this situation there is an update released to the SEAT network for solving this issue. My car has been through it and ill be picking it up tomorrow morning🤞


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
So i have picked up the car tonight. Nothing has been updated still on 1672 The service only performed some sort of telematic unit reset. That's it. Unfortunately error persist. That's what has been advised by Seat UK! Gosh did we ever get this sorted?
May 2, 2021
Maybe we need some kind of forum “group letter” sent off to SEAT as a single person complaining at once seems to be too easy to fob off. These issues have been going on for long enough.
Pretty sure there’s enough of us on here to get some attention, that’s without counting the other social media platforms.
Copy it in to Auto Express etc.
Any clever people want to set something up?
We could do it off forum if the site owners weren’t comfortable with it being on here.
Happy to start a WhatsApp group of some kind?

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Oct 29, 2021
I had this issue once before but in the last week it’s happened three times. It seems to have come out of nowhere.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2021
Update on my car -
Faults - Clicking, SOS warning, front assist warning, exit warning, collision warning, Sat Nav not working on dash, interior lights switching on at random (to name but a few).

Dealer has replaced dash assembly (didn't fix)
Dealer has reset system (didn't fix)
Has been to dealer several times now, with now fix and due in again in a couple of weeks (for further diagnostics)

Seat UK gave me the option to reject the car (I feel this is a cop out and would leave me having to find another car at inflated prices due to current supply issues) or carry on with returning to try again. I challenged this and was told they were Seat UK so weren't prepared to offer and further support as they aren't Seat Spain!

Apparently there is a software update, but only for certain builds (source: dealer) Seat UK at no point have been aware of any options, so keep bouncing problem. Oh they offered some Amazon vouchers as compensation!

It's fair to say my new car excitement was lost very quickly with all these issues.
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Nov 19, 2020
Our dealer has mentioned that they anticipate a patch for the SOS issue later in December.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
South Birmingham
Our dealer has mentioned that they anticipate a patch for the SOS issue later in December.
I wonder if in theory any cars delivered next year (Q1 on) should already have had latest patches installed as part of inspection and release procedures at the factory, even if subject vehicle was 95% built now and hadn't received that patch during build process.
Curious as I don't how such work. I know my new TV had to have an update installed on switching on, but not sure how VAG or SEAT in particular operate with regards to updates/patches etc..


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
I had once a courtesy car 21 plates and there wasn't any issues with 🆘 system. The issue what i see here Seat is patching something instead of replacing all the multimedia unit. Patch has to be installed in service centre as is it firmware based instead of software downloaded online. There is a lot of car on the market with this issue and it will take a while to do it. Obviously they won't be doing any recall for it as this would be additional cost to them
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Active Member
Nov 22, 2021
2020 Mk4 Leon FR went in for its 1st annual service this week and to have software update that was meant to fix the double pop/SOS issue. Software update from 1666 to 1672 has made no difference - the problem still persists…
Dec 18, 2021
I had once a courtesy car 21 plates and there wasn't any issues with 🆘 system. The issue what i see here Seat is patching something instead of replacing all the multimedia unit. Patch has to be installed in service centre as is it firmware based instead of software downloaded online. There is a lot of car on the market with this issue and it will take a while to do it. Obviously they won't be doing any recall for it as this would be additional cost to them
Have you solved this? The problem persists? What hass benn done in your car, update, module change?


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
Sorry, nothing new I visited Seat Garage 5x times, the error has been confirmed and apparently have to wait for Seat to release new software. Previously I had unit reset, unit updated, unit replaced. I saw a Facebook post on Germany group claiming apparently Seat did a great job with this 1803 update there so fingers crossed for all of us to have it ASAP. We should also have much faster infotainment, wireless and full-screen mirrorlink. They will call me when its ready. Hopefully won't be too long as this is so annoying for me already 7 months. Especially I have more issues which should be fixed with this update also.
Dec 18, 2021
Przepraszamy, nic nowego odwiedziłem Seat Garage 5 razy, błąd został potwierdzony i najwyraźniej muszę poczekać, aż Seat wyda nowe oprogramowanie. Wcześniej miałem reset jednostki, aktualizację jednostki, wymianę jednostki. Widziałem post na Facebooku na niemieckiej grupie, w którym twierdził, że Seat wykonał świetną robotę z tą aktualizacją 1803, więc trzymamy kciuki, abyśmy wszyscy mieli to jak najszybciej. Powinniśmy też mieć znacznie szybszą infotainment, bezprzewodową i pełnoekranową mirrorlink. Zadzwonią do mnie, kiedy będzie gotowe. Mam nadzieję, że nie potrwa to zbyt długo, ponieważ jest to dla mnie tak denerwujące już 7 miesięcy. Zwłaszcza mam więcej problemów, które również powinny zostać naprawione w tej aktualizacji.
I have 1788, but I saw 1803 in seat KL, I called to workshop but they don't have update for me... Why? I don't know.... Can you sent me link from German group? Do you know something about update in December?
Dec 18, 2021
Mam 1788, ale widziałem 1803 w fotelu KL, dzwoniłem do warsztatu ale nie mają aktualizacji dla mnie... Dlaczego? Nie wiem.... Czy możecie mi przysłać link z grupy niemieckiej? Czy wiesz coś o aktualizacji w grudniu?
I was talking with user 1803, after update zero SOS error, faster start infotainment


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
I have 1788, but I saw 1803 in seat KL, I called to workshop but they don't have update for me... Why? I don't know.... Can you sent me link from German group? Do you know something about update in December?
I think the update hasn't been released to the Dealer networks yet only few people for testing i guess standard software development embedded practices. We just have to wait I'm hoping to have it in January. I would doubt it to have it before


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016

Sorry update is for version 1810 and will be only related to older versions infotainment 5FA035862 stuck on 1672
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Dec 18, 2021
Może potrzebujemy jakiegoś forum „listu grupowego” usługigo do SEAT-a, ponieważ posłuchaliśmy, że osoba narzekająca od razu zostanie uznana za wykonanie odebrania. Te problemy trwają już wystarczająco długo.
Jestem, że jest nas wystarczająco dużo, aby na każdego użytkownika, nie licząc innych platform mediów społecznościowych.
Skopiuj jedź do Auto Express itp.
Jacyś sprytni chcą coś założyć?
Moglibyśmy zrobić poza forum, gdyby właściciele nie czuli się komfortowo, że jest tutaj.
Chętnie założysz pracę grupę na WhatsApp?

Wysłane z mojego iPhone'a za pomocą Tapatalk
Cześć Jestem z Polski, mamy ten sam problem, grupa na WhatsApp, telegram, sygnał to dobry pomysł :) mamy grupę na facebooku Seat Leon 4 - to ogólna grupa, może powinniśmy otworzyć specjalną grupę na facebooku tylko dla błędu SOS.... .? dla wszystkich użytkowników VAG? Widziałem ten błąd w skodzie, audi itd.


Active Member
Mar 24, 2021
United Kingdom
We have Leon from this year's build with 1803 and SOS problem is still there. We didn't have it for the first couple of months, but now getting 1-2 times a month... All depends on where you drive it seems, the worse the esim reception is the more chances to get SOS error. Middle speaker pop happening frequently still though, but not often it results in SOS (but SOS always preceded with a pop).