Nov 15, 2024
Hi Ive just looked through this whole thing and I’m having a problem with my Harmon screen I don’t have access to the performance screen at all even tho my car is a cupra I don’t know if it’s been switched if that can cause this but would really like some help on how to get it or do I have to buy a new screen all together thanks.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2020
Hi Ive just looked through this whole thing and I’m having a problem with my Harmon screen I don’t have access to the performance screen at all even tho my car is a cupra I don’t know if it’s been switched if that can cause this but would really like some help on how to get it or do I have to buy a new screen all together thanks.
Don't get a new screen. Did you try a factory reset and setting up the device again?

Or put it in developer mode, where you can choose your model manually:

Try this :

create a file:

\VwBrandDevice\Settings\UserSettingsDevMode.default with notepad

with contents:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>




make sure it's .default

then create a file called branddevice.reg and put it to the root /.

reboot and then you maybe able to manually chose your brand/skin. (All settings (route profiles, last targets...) will be lost)
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