SEAT Altea - Windows going down on their own


Altea Driver
Oct 17, 2007
Morning All!
Not my car personally but someone i know has an Altea Reference which for some reason when the car is locked the front two windows will just randomly go down.. This happened to them last night and they came out to a very soggy car this morning.

Anyone got any ideas what could be causing this??


Dec 5, 2007
N W Leeds
Probably needs resetting in the Convenience module of VagCom. The key fob can be set so that windows come down if key fob button is prssed twice or kept press (can be made to go up too).
They could try a basic reset of the windows - disconnect battery, reconnect (radio code needed if required ) - fully open windows, release button then press open again for 3 secs. Fully close, release, press to close for 3 secs again. Needs to be done with each window.


Altea Driver
Oct 17, 2007
thanks for the replys.
I don't think its the safety feature as mentioned in the link as the front windows go all the way down. Also i know total closer isn't enabled as it was the first thing i suggested.

Might see if i can get a fault code reader near it...
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