Speakers stopped working after few months of ownership

Dec 2, 2024
Hi, New to forums and car ownership.

Bought my Ibiza back in January of this year, speakers were perfect until the end of summer when all speakers but the tweeters would work.

A simple knock of the door would usually make them work again for a while. After a point that didn’t work anymore and I discovered that putting either of the front windows down at around >40mm would make all the speakers work. This has now stopped working and now they will just all work at a rare chance for a second or two.

Heard somewhere that the aux jack can cause problems, which I have reason to believe as the car was granny owned all its life and I imagine she just used the radio. If so, would be very annoying since I put off buying a Bluetooth transmitter for so long and would have saved me this bother…..

Just want to know if anybody can verify if a swap on this panel could help me or a whole speaker system revamp would be the way to go.

All help appreciated.

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Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)