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LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Cobra Imola Pro were very comfy for me.
Take a look at the ones with higher kidney protectors, these are usually more comfy.
But also usually £300 +
Can you not just fit these seats for track days and run your other seats for day to day?
I've still got my LCR ones if you wanted these for day to day


Pro Detailer
TBH all these seats need are a slightly firmer base cushion. Looking at the Corbeau Sprint and the Cobra Imola Pro, both sound great but for a pair of seats and subframes you're looking at £900 ... I got these brand new seats and subframes for £375!

Murdered LCR

Wide mouthed mofo
Sep 9, 2006
Murder Inc.
I like the new look :) but i thought the reason you took the engine mounts off was because your little ones complained ? Do you cable tie them to the rear strut brace now lol , I would also say no to the fake carbon small places it's ok large bits just look tacky , you can get big real carbon sheets for a good price


Pro Detailer
My Leon is not a daily driver any more, my sister was selling her Ibiza S so I got it off her for cheap, so that's my daily driver now. Not doing fake carbon, doing the boot floor in carpet. Couldn't find a bit of real carbon big enough.

I just found a piece of 1" thick medium/firm upholstery foam on ebay, big enough for both seat bases, for £4.11 delivered!


AKS tuning
May 11, 2008
Performance Trim can make you any size of carbon sheet. Ive never been a fan of the monacos. They just dont really look like real race seats. The Recaro Pole positions are great, as are the corbeau pro series. I found the cobra imolas to be too firm. The sparco range is good, but overpriced and a very tight fit. The main issue is they are all very expensive.


Pro Detailer
Had a look at Performance trim, £111 for a sheet of carbon large enough for the boot.

The more I hear about and experience that of bucket seats the less I like them! I prefer to have my car as a bit of an all-rounder rather than a one-trick pony. I feel the Recaro interior may be going back in very soon.


Pro Detailer
After another drive this morning and thinking about it, I decided to remove the bucket seats and re-fit the full interior this afternoon, just felt they were too uncomfortable and I couldn't put up with the extra noise. I'll put the Cobras on ebay tomorrow!


Pro Detailer
Well the blue Cobra bucket seats and harnesses are now sold, I now have black Corbeau recliners in instead, and they are MUCH comfier! They bolted up to the Cobra subframes no problem, they are second hand but in very good nick, apart from a bit of a clean and hoover they are great. Going to get 4-point 3" clip-in harnesses for trackdays so I can just clip them in and out. They are also lighter than my OE front seats too. Pics soon.

Cupra Ross

Breaks things............
May 15, 2005
Edinburgh, Scotland
Had a look at Performance trim, £111 for a sheet of carbon large enough for the boot.

The more I hear about and experience that of bucket seats the less I like them! I prefer to have my car as a bit of an all-rounder rather than a one-trick pony. I feel the Recaro interior may be going back in very soon.

I think that is a very good idea Rob. You had a stunning Leon there until it was stripped out.


Pro Detailer
Here's a couple of quick pics of the Corbeau recliners:



Apart from needing a bit of a shampoo and hoover they're great, supportive and comfortable. Will be cleaning the whole interior this week. (the grey seatbelt buckles will be replaced with black ones shortly) Going to get 4-point snap-in black harnesses for trackdays so I can fit and remove them easily just for those days.
Last edited:
Oct 21, 2006
Hi Rob,

Those seats look very nice; they remind me a bit of my Recaros from my old Ford Fiesta RST (J reg) that I owned a few years ago.

Can I offer a bit of advice with regards to stain removal? My seats needed a spruce up as they had a couple of watermarks amongst other marks/stains. I'd tried a steam cleaner first, with limited results. I purchased a 500ml bottle of Vanish carpet stain remover, which is for upholstery as well as carpets, from Tesco. For reference, it's the Oxi Action Intelligence Plus bottle. Anyway, I sprayed it on to the upholstery. It came out as a liquid that then turned into foam. I let it sit for a minute or two before working it into the fabric, and then wiped it down. The results were brilliant. I didn't want to clog your thread up with pictures but you can see the results on the first page of my thread. It's an excellent product that causes no unnecessary mess and is kind to the upholstery.

I promise I'm not a Vanish sales rep but thought I would offer you my advice, although I’m sure you already have something in mind.

Thanks Rob,



Pro Detailer
Hi Rob,

Those seats look very nice; they remind me a bit of my Recaros from my old Ford Fiesta RST (J reg) that I owned a few years ago.

Can I offer a bit of advice with regards to stain removal? My seats needed a spruce up as they had a couple of watermarks amongst other marks/stains. I'd tried a steam cleaner first, with limited results. I purchased a 500ml bottle of Vanish carpet stain remover, which is for upholstery as well as carpets, from Tesco. For reference, it's the Oxi Action Intelligence Plus bottle. Anyway, I sprayed it on to the upholstery. It came out as a liquid that then turned into foam. I let it sit for a minute or two before working it into the fabric, and then wiped it down. The results were brilliant. I didn't want to clog your thread up with pictures but you can see the results on the first page of my thread. It's an excellent product that causes no unnecessary mess and is kind to the upholstery.

I promise I'm not a Vanish sales rep but thought I would offer you my advice, although I’m sure you already have something in mind.

Thanks Rob,


Sounds good, thanks for the tip, might give it a go, was going to use Autoglym shampoo but might try this first.
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