Decided to spray the Backdraft baffled sump before fitting, for weather protection mainly. I used PJ1 engine paint, good for up to 260 degrees C, goes on really easy and dries fast.
I still have copies of the mags my car has been in too - seems a long time ago now!
I found a place local to me that does ceramic coating for engine parts, only a 20 min drive from me, so I am going to take along some parts to be coated and give them a go. They also do heat dissipation coatings too so I am going to have my intercooler done with this treatment as well.
I had a look at some of the SPA manifolds about a year back, had some mad plan about switching the hotside on the GTRS for a T-3 flanged one, then running a proper manifold.... ahh, no harm in dreaming I suppose!
My new turbo has arrived, brand new Garrett GT2860RS, 0.64A/R.
I've seen these taken to 360bhp and beyond (Alex at BDM did it, plus this one is nearer to 400bhp:, so power is not an issue, but I went for this turbo mainly for quick response and flexibility, without going too far to create a wheelspinning monster. Plus I got it for £300 less than the new price!
That will be decent Rob - I seem to remember reading somewhere that the characteristics and flow of this turbo is similar to that of the K04 turbo on the TFSi. Should make for a fun/fast transformation to your car
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