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Pro Detailer
I just got an email from Mytyres saying that the Kumho's are not available (so why advertise them?) so that scuppers those then! Seems the Advan AD08's are in very short supply too, so it seems they are out too.

So it's back to good road tyres, I have to choose from the following which I have shortlisted (in no particular order):

1. Goodyear Eagle F1 Asymmetric.
2. Continental Sport Contact 3.
3. Yokohama Parada Spec-2.
4. Vredestein Ultrac Sessanta.
5. Dunlop SP Sport Maxx TT.
6. Dunlop SP Sport Maxx GT.
7. Pirelli PZero.

All these tyres are around the £110 mark, apart from the Parada and Sessanta which are around £95.
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Pro Detailer
OK decision made, slightly unusual choice as everyone seems to go for Vredestein Sessantas or Goodyear F1 Asymmetrics these days. I have gone for the Pirelli PZero, based on the fact that it won the Autoexpress tyre test, beating the Sessanta, F1 Assy, Sportcontact 3, etc. into 1st place. They are OE fitment on many supercars too.

"WINNER - Pirelli PZero- £128.00
Designing tyres is all about trading off performance in one area for a gain in another. However, Pirelli has certainly hit on a winning compromise here, as the PZero starred not only in the wet, but also in the dry. It topped the times on both handling tracks, plus got the honours in curved aquaplaning. No wonder it inspires confidence when the heavens open. A great all-rounder that thoroughly deserves a place on your car.

Mytyres have them for £111.10 each.



Pro Detailer
In the tests I have read and watched it beats the Goodyear F1 Asymmetric for handling and dry grip, beats the Michelin PS2 as well in more than one test - so can't be bad. Should be miles better than the Falken FK452.

Just got the refund back from the Kumhos but haven't pulled the trigger yet on the Pirellis.


Pro Detailer
The Kumhos and the AD08's are not available - so I'm left choosing the best road tyre I can find for a round the £110 mark. The PZero, Asymmetric and Sportcontact 3 have all won tyre tests, the F1 probably more than any other tyre but the PZero beats them for handling and dry grip in most tests.


Pro Detailer
Not surprised it beat the F1 Assymetrics. I thought they were terrible (as I keep saying but have yet to hear anyone agree with me!)
I look forward to hearing how you get on with them if you do go ahead.

I believe the sidewalls are quite soft from what i've read (tyre tests, user reviews, etc.), the PZero's have stiffer sidewalls than the Asymmetrics and the Contact 3's.

You can actually see in this video that the sidewalls are designed to move around:
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