Rev counter occasionally not working / bumper realignment.


Hi all,

I've been a member on this site for a little while, reading various bits and pieces, seems a pretty helpful site!!

I've got a Mk2 Leon FR 2.0TFSI, the only things I've really changed in it are really inside, I can't go too daft unfortunately as it's a company car!! :( Anyway, I've got a couple of issues that maybe someone could shed some light on?

1. Occasionally when I start the car (there is no pattern, just every now and then) the car starts, you can hear the engine running, radio comes on etc. but the rev counter stays on 0. At first didn't realise this until I tried to move the car and realised there was no power steering aswell. As soon as I moved about a foot, there were various dash lights come on and alarms start going off. If I turn the engine off and then back on again, everything is fine and I can drive away normally. I've had it in to the dealer about this, and they just look at me with a vacant expression, totally clueless as to what I'm talking about. Has anyone ever seen this before?? It's happened when it's been dry, when it's wet, etc so I don't think it's a water/weather thing??

2. Some kind (twat) person has bumped my back end in a car park (I think?) and has knocked the rear bumper slightly so it no longer sits straight, when you close the boot lid it's actually touching the bumper. Also as a result of this twat knocking my bumper, it's knocked the light cluster on the right sightly out of place too, so it's all looking a bit wonky!! The dealer has offered to "re-sit" the bumper for me for an, as you can imagine, extortionate price, so I was just wondering, are there any guides or anything that I can have a look at with regards to taking the rear bumper off? If it's just a bracket that's bent slightly, I'll be quite happy to attempt to straighten it myself and keep the 150 notes that they want in my pocket!!

Sorry for the long winded post, but if anyone can help, it'd be much appreciated.



Thanks mate, I forgot to post on here this morning to say I'd found something. I've just got back in from taking it off and re-seating it so it's back to normal again! :D
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