Well standard is 156bhp and 155ft/lb so your up quite alot of torque! The car is quick standard but im still a boy racer at heart and not being able to mod kills me! LOL!
blackturbo said:Well standard is 156bhp and 155ft/lb so your up quite alot of torque! The car is quick standard but im still a boy racer at heart and not being able to mod kills me! LOL!
blackturbo said:I can afford the parts I just cant believe its so expensive to declare them!
I hate being young lol!
Nice pics there btw!![]()
blackturbo said:Shame its not more of a close up!![]()
In 5 years im hoping to have my own business and a TVR so bring it on lol!
David_smith_909 said:does any peeps have meets in the north west area??
wouldnt mind going to one but they all seem to be either down south, like , way down south, or in south wales area
blackturbo said:Well im down south pal and I keep forgettin the meets lol!
blackturbo said:Well split between Farnborough and Bordon, which are both Hampshire! I did go to No Rice for about 15 mins last month but forgot this month! lol
blackturbo said:Have to make sure I bring a pal or I will turn up like a right Jona! lol
blackturbo said:I seriously doubt it lol! Trying to get me a mortgage sorted and its sucking up all my cash atm!
blackturbo said:Lol! Well i can finance that!![]()
Might go just dont want be a jona, and trying to get my pals to go is like trying to pull teeth with tweezers! lol
blackturbo said:Yeh they are but they are all tied to woman! lol Cant seem to leave them alone for longer than 5 minutes!
They are split between very fast cars and very slow ones lol! Also will depend if I go on holiday this year and when! Im good with excuses lol
Think I should probly go to some of the more local meets and build up a fan base first haha