The Mk2 towing eye had to be removed, as it fouled on the new front panel (with integrated towing fixing), which wasn't a major
problem, just 5mins with a hacksaw saw it off
The Mk3 headlamps fouled on the inner arch/brackets, so these had to be modified with a hacksaw (or 3!)
We knew from Ian (driveforward) that the Mk2 rad would need mounts/brackets fabricating, as the Mk3 front panel doesn't have the same mounting 'method' as the Mk2. So we used some 2mm sheet zintec to knock up some 'L' brackets, whish were then attached to the Mk3 front panel, and we used the bolts that hold the A/C rad to the main rad, to bolt the brackets to. This came out wuite well, but we only had time to fab up the 2 top brackets, due to the amount of time it took us to modify the inner wings to give clearance for the headlamps.
We gave up on the bonnet catch, as we were both exhaust from a day in the sun, and neither of us could concentrate on the task. So we gave up and packed up!
Other than that, the wings and bonnet bolted straight on, with only minor tweaking need to get uniform panel gaps.
Pete's now got the task of sorting out the wiring for the headlamps, and to also get the engine running after doing the dash-swap.....