
Big Daddy...
Mar 22, 2008
Cambs & Herts
You have movement in the right direction which is good and if no leon has ever had this setup then as others said not gonna be easy but will be worth it in the long run. :)

What map you going to with?? Your Revo at the mo IIRC but sure I remember you saying about AMD map........or did I imagine that? Also curious as TotalVAG are CC agents aren't they??


Grumpier by the day!
Apr 30, 2006
Milton Keynes
It does crack me up when someone sells a kit for a car it hasn't ever been on before - marketing and R&D clearly not a strong point then.

I hope you get it up and running soon otherwise you'll be just in time for winter!
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
thanks all... im sure i will get there, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Ed. im sticking with REVO which is why im going to AMD and not using TotalVAG. TBH if i could i would use TotalVAG for everything, im sure evereyone who has used them will agree that they are friendly, competent, competitive and when things go wrong you can always rely on them to help you out.... also the underslung hasnt been on a LEON before but im sure theyve done a load of the topmounts.

Pat they have improved in the past few days but like you say, winter is fast approaching :drive2:


Money spending clown
Dec 30, 2008
South East
saw this car when i was at total vag last week, looks awesome in the flesh

have to agree with you about total service and genuinely nice guys!
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
:) thanks, it would be nicer if it was parked on my drive though..

im glad you agree, they really do deserve the recognition. Im sure there are many garages that are busy these days but ive never seen them scratching for work... an old (older :)) friend always told me 'never go to a chip shop without a queue' hehe.


Money spending clown
Dec 30, 2008
South East
haha, yea been back a few times because of their great service and also good prices....they gave me a free air-con regas!

in return i bought one of their stickers and am being made to promote them on here :) haha

in all serious i had a good look round your car, as my brother has a platinum LCR so have a resonable knowledge of them, and it looked top notch...liked the recaro child seat in the back!

love the r32 interior too
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
hehe youve done it now....

ive actually heard people say at shows and rolling roads days...... 'he obviously doesnt have a girlfriend' youve just proved them wrong, thanks :)


Money spending clown
Dec 30, 2008
South East
haha no worries,

but just because you got a recaro kids seat doesnt mean you have to have a girlfriend.................:)

anyway where in beds you from? i work in sunny dunstable so know the area quite well


Grumpier by the day!
Apr 30, 2006
Milton Keynes
Another one who rates TotalVAG very hightly, it's the extra mile they go to everytime when needed and sometimes even if it's just to do more than just the basic job.

Aaron I really hope this pans out because it will be both awesome and very tidy when completed.


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
I echo what Pat said. Really cant wait to see her finished.

Aaron good possibility your down AmD next week?
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
Another one who rates TotalVAG very hightly, it's the extra mile they go to everytime when needed and sometimes even if it's just to do more than just the basic job.

Aaron I really hope this pans out because it will be both awesome and very tidy when completed.

Thanks Pat, as you know both Greig and myself are very anal (dont even bother) so it should turn out well in the end.

I echo what Pat said. Really cant wait to see her finished.

Aaron good possibility your down AmD next week?

i have high hopes and the excitment is starting to build again after a disappointing week and a half, when i get an idea of when ill be at AMD ill give you a bell buddy, i doubt it will be next week though as i have to fab up and weld the downpipe and TIP :(


Grumpier by the day!
Apr 30, 2006
Milton Keynes
Thanks Pat, as you know both Greig and myself are very anal (dont even bother) so it should turn out well in the end.

i have high hopes and the excitment is starting to build again after a disappointing week and a half, when i get an idea of when ill be at AMD ill give you a bell buddy, i doubt it will be next week though as i have to fab up and weld the downpipe and TIP :(

attention to detail that matters and IS important - nothing to do with being anal :)


Can't wait to see this finished Aaron, may consider the same route if yours goes well