You work the laptop and get her to drive!
lol remind me not to take any notice of you
she thinks its a tank anyway mate, if its not a porsche its no good... little does she know
Wow.. to get her to
help you out you need to take her out for dinner!!! Nice....
i cant believe she offered Nick. theres normally groans if i give it any stick, i made it quite clear what we had to do and i almost fell over when OK fell out of her mouth

she great and lets me do everything i want so i shouldnt complain....... also she might be reading this
im not overly happy with tonights logs. i thought i would be much closer.
these are with a 71.5mm bore housing and wmi
Wednesday 18 March 2009 20:16:29
1ML 906 032 A 1.8l R4/5VT 01 0001
Group A: '003 Group B: '020
RPM Mass Flow Load Ign. Timing Idle Stabilization Idle Stabilization Idle Stabilization Idle Stabilization
4.54 2960 38.06 18.4 33.8 4.94 0 0 0 0
5.34 3080 34.97 17.6 35.3 5.73 0 0 0 0
6.13 3240 39.42 18.8 35.3 6.55 0 0 0 0
6.95 3360 43.78 19.6 35.3 7.35 0 0 0 0
7.75 3480 45.36 20.8 34.5 8.15 0 0 0 0
8.55 3720 131.06 94.5 24 8.95 0 0 0 0
9.37 4280 190.11 100 12 9.77 0 0 0 0
10.17 4840 207.36 100 12 10.57 0 0 3 0
10.97 5360 231.39 99.6 12.8 11.37 0 0 3 0
11.78 5800 236.31 100 12.8 12.18 0 0 2.3 0
12.58 6200 237.78 99.6 9.8 13 0 0 2.3 0
13.38 6560 236.67 99.6 10.5 13.8 0 0 1.5 3
Wednesday 18 March 2009 20:14:53
1ML 906 032 A 1.8l R4/5VT 01 0001
Group A: '002 Group B: '031
RPM Load Inj. On Time Mass Flow Lambda Factor Lambda Factor
MARKER STAMP /min % ms g/s STAMP
14.64 3080 75.2 6.12 44.25 14.22 0.977 0.977
15.44 3280 76.7 6.12 48.75 15.04 0.984 0.984
16.24 3480 97 8.16 70.06 15.84 0.984 0.984
17.04 3920 191.7 17 192.67 16.64 0.844 0.953
17.85 4520 191.7 18.36 188.78 17.45 0.867 0.883
18.65 5080 191.7 18.36 220.11 18.25 0.86 0.86
19.45 5560 191.7 17.34 226.14 19.05 0.852 0.86
20.27 6000 191.7 16.32 231.92 19.85 0.852 0.86
21.07 6360 191.7 15.3 240.39 20.67 0.821 0.86
21.88 6680 172.9 13.94 239.64 21.47 0.86 0.86
long term trim of -4.3
i dont think there is anything i can do until next month now. ill take it with me and hope tomorrow but i dont think he'll have time.
it didnt feel as quick tonight but i did have a passenger