Power loss while Driving, Advice needed


Active Member
Jun 17, 2011
funny that cause a car standing over night that's freezing can go straight on the rolling road and produce more power th an a car that's been drivin for hours and is red hot. Meaning the cooler the engine the better the power.

Disagree with that too. Any extra power in that case would come from the fact that the turbo, intake manifold,intercooler etc etc are all stone cold so you have less heatsoak and hence a cooler and more dense charge.

If the engine is cold, then so is the oil. That's going to increase drag and friction on nearly every moving part of the engine. Then you have the higher thermal losses to the coolant and cold cylinder walls. Both of those would be losing you power over the same engine that's up to the proper temp.

Also what dyno operator was it that did a run on a freezing cold car without warming it up first? Certainly wouldn't be letting someone who did that anywhere near my motor!
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
Yeah, I guess ill only need a bog basic bar and plate intercooler, so I assume those ebay kits are fine enough for running 225hp, also with the intercooler, will there be much of a pressure loss considering the air flow is diverted quite a distance?

ill do a fault log test soon, can you reccomend a decent app? i know my mate used one on his 182 and it messed around with the ecu, which is odd as i assume they should only read off, cheers.


Intagram / johnyoung84
May 5, 2015
Well we all have our own ways of thinking I'll stick with what I think, most people prob think the same, and I didn't mean freezing ice cold, there's a massive difference in a car that's been left to get to temp by ticking over than a car that has been thrashed on the motorway, also why when cars go on the dyno they have massive huge fans blowing cold air into the engine? Why not blow warm or hot air into the engine?
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