PD150 Turbo Upgrade Questions....


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
what about (if money no object ) to get a stronger gearbox with different internals - getting it geared

anyone been dowwn this route on a TDI
Gearboxes are quite strong on our cars so for a tdi with 250-260bhp they are good. Any more then maybe look towards strengthening it.


mmm 385lbft
Feb 21, 2007
s wales
the 150 gearbox is pretty good tbh. just I drive a bit spirited at times. It has been nearly a year now since ive had a hybrid. i'm getting it rebuilt with stronger pins etc. quaife do box kits which cost around a grand!! thats without the diff. so youd have to get you box out fit the kit!
Feb 1, 2007
To answer your questions

Stage 1: Buy an MD376 TurboDymanics turbo
Stage 2: You can send your own turbo - they can hybrid your turbo in about a weeks time.
Stage 3 and 4: Who is your prefered choice of tuner? I highly recommend AmD Essex for the work. Kenny@AmD has done quite a few big turbo TDIs and got brilliant results. He got out of mine 226BHP and 380LB/FT of torque. Volvic who got his done yesterday got decent results too, 223BHP and 340lb/ft of torque but his turbo was a turbotechnics one.

I cannot speak of AmD highly enough. They know TDIs and what is needed - they are the only people who touch my car. If you ring AmD speak to ben or shaun and say I sent you. They will sort you out.

Things you will need for big turbo.
1) Sachs uprated clutch
2) Miltek DP
3) OE FMIC pipes and uprated clamps. The standard SFS stuff cannot cope with the extra boost.
4) Diff if the money allows
5) As many suspension mods to handle the power as possible.
6) 312mm conversion at least. Make sure you get good brake pads DS2500's.

If you havent already, read through my thread from Big Turbo onwards. Thread is indexed so should be easy reading. Shame your not closer, would have taken you for a spin.

Hope this helps.

I got more than 350lbft from my Turbo technics unit and thats at 135k when it was on jabba rollers. before the custom map at jabba it was giving 365lbft admittedly in a spike.


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
I got more than 350lbft from my Turbo technics unit and thats at 135k when it was on jabba rollers. before the custom map at jabba it was giving 365lbft admittedly in a spike.
I am not saying they are worse just saying it was a different turbo.
Aug 1, 2005
Cullompton . Devon
the 150 gearbox is pretty good tbh. just I drive a bit spirited at times. It has been nearly a year now since ive had a hybrid. i'm getting it rebuilt with stronger pins etc. quaife do box kits which cost around a grand!! thats without the diff. so youd have to get you box out fit the kit!

Gearbox should be the least of your worries but if you want to make it stronger strip it a part get it acid dipped and send it off to Frozen Solid for CYRO treatment. A gear selector fork breaking would be more down to somebody abusing the gearbox or metal fatigue then the power going through the box.
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