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OBDEleven Formentor - See below for working ones


Active Member
Nov 6, 2020
Before my car went to service, I reverted Undertaking prevention, since I was officialy complaining about ACC. Now, I can't change it back.

1/ Deactivate overtaking right prevention - Thanks to zelue1995

- Select Control Unit 13
- Select Long Coding (0)
- Select overtaking_right_prevention
- Change from activated to Deactivated

I get error every time I try it and some other settings from Control Unit 13. I updated OBD Eleven but that didn't help. I tried it 2 days ago and again today and nothing. I hope that software update applied by dealer didn't block it, otherwise I'm going back to the problem I had in summer and car was driving me crazy.
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Did you clear the errors ahead of programming. I've found that sometimes it rejects coding when you haven't cleared the errors since you are changing a control unit with an error.

Suppose you could scan for errors first. Then try the mod, if failed then clear the errors and try the mod. It might be just the scan for errors it requires. I did have a lapse in my working practices of scanning for errors then coding and found I couldn't program about a year ago.... saying that I don't have the fun car you have :unsure:. I give myself a few days before going to the dealer for a service to reset SS in case I hit issues.


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I never clear faults and coding worked. It worked on 15/11 before service, but doesn't seem to work after service, whatever I do.
Hmmm. Either Obdeleven is having teething issues, it's possible since you interface into their systems live via their app and they have a problem... it's occurred for me a few years back or something got changed. I note they have had two Obdeleven updates quite quickly so it might be at their end.

Try eyeballing the Leon 4 side of Obdeleven forum. I see their Formentor site points you here 😉 and the German site. I couldn't see any mention of issues on the Leon 4 or the German site.

If you haven't deleted all the errors in all of the units, I'd try that. Have another go. Certainly as I said it was fussy about you trying to code with errors. You might have got away with it once, but not now etc.


Active Member
May 16, 2021
i know for a fact obdeleven are having issues....myself and others on the obd forum keep getting PROBLEM WITH SFD.....message
i will try the above on my car when i get chance agnes.may be a couple of days as im super busy workwise.
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2021
Before my car went to service, I reverted Undertaking prevention, since I was officialy complaining about ACC. Now, I can't change it back.

1/ Deactivate overtaking right prevention - Thanks to zelue1995

- Select Control Unit 13
- Select Long Coding (0)
- Select overtaking_right_prevention
- Change from activated to Deactivated

I get error every time I try it and some other settings from Control Unit 13. I updated OBD Eleven but that didn't help. I tried it 2 days ago and again today and nothing. I hope that software update applied by dealer didn't block it, otherwise I'm going back to the problem I had in summer and car was driving me crazy.
Stupid suggestion, but is your hood open when trying to code ?


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Keeping door open with constant warning beeping may drive crazy myself and neighbours. Anyway, soon we will have to jump or dance to make it work ;-)
Did all my original Ateca ones on the street side in London... hate to think the grumpy people would have said to me with the bonnet up, drivers door open.... and I used their Fon wifi 😉.


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But have you read the thread 😉.

The Holy Grail for SFD cars is SS. If you look at the link you posted it's not shown... least to my eyes. Obdeleven are drumming up their one click market who are suckers for easy stuff. The one click apps are really macros which run VCDS coding so if there is no published coding to do it there is no macro. Problem with the apps is if they go wrong you can't un pick them since you dont have the tools. The now subscription side to new customers of Obdeleven for the Pro gives you the programing and world is your oyster using published code which you find across sites that sell the devices and programs. The coding is really toggles brought out on Obdeleven although sometimes you do have to walk through byte fields of the long strings where the program if each control string exists. Twiddling those is the programming. Adaptations in Obdeleven or looking at the long coding toggling the passing on or off with the <0-1> toggle top right.

As far as stop start is concerned there are two methods, voltage and aircon. The voltage method tells SS not to kick in because the cars battery is low. That low parameter is tuning parameter, setting to 12 volts frigs it not to work. Works on everything else except SFD cars (Formentor / Leon 4). The other method is low voltage again but fiddling with the AC tuning parameter. That's also been found to not work.

To get anywhere with SFD cars you need to do a literature search of what has been achieved. Links on the thread.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2012
But have you read the thread 😉.

The Holy Grail for SFD cars is SS. If you look at the link you posted it's not shown... least to my eyes. Obdeleven are drumming up their one click market who are suckers for easy stuff. The one click apps are really macros which run VCDS coding so if there is no published coding to do it there is no macro. Problem with the apps is if they go wrong you can't un pick them since you dont have the tools. The now subscription side to new customers of Obdeleven for the Pro gives you the programing and world is your oyster using published code which you find across sites that sell the devices and programs. The coding is really toggles brought out on Obdeleven although sometimes you do have to walk through byte fields of the long strings where the program if each control string exists. Twiddling those is the programming. Adaptations in Obdeleven or looking at the long coding toggling the passing on or off with the <0-1> toggle top right.

As far as stop start is concerned there are two methods, voltage and aircon. The voltage method tells SS not to kick in because the cars battery is low. That low parameter is tuning parameter, setting to 12 volts frigs it not to work. Works on everything else except SFD cars (Formentor / Leon 4). The other method is low voltage again but fiddling with the AC tuning parameter. That's also been found to not work.

To get anywhere with SFD cars you need to do a literature search of what has been achieved. Links on the thread.
I've ordered one of those new OBD Eleven device as they are doing a black friday special. if it works-then happy days.


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Just to be clear its not VCDS coding its OBD11 Coding using VAG Group control unit setup, because both applications use the same VAG Labels does not mean its VCDS coding.

I would also point out that the Stop Start facility is not only turned off on the MQBEvo and MEB Platform but also many of the late my19 onwards cars as well. Oddly a number of the 2021 cars in the US are delivered without it at all (according to forums) due to chip shortaes

With regards to the Long coding you correctly state toggling 0 - 1 but that is only for Android, the IOS Setup is very different and as OBD11 have stated they are going to make both operating systems the same expect changes here.

The Blog post was updated to include the words "This does not work on the latest version of the cars as Volkswagen has disabled the old methods. as many users pointed out that this no longer works."

You say that to get anywhere with SFD cars you need to do etc but the way the MK3 got as much information in the first place was people all tried out different things to see if it worked, Yes many forums do show you coding others have found but you can try your own coding as well.
I would also stress you should read the Skoda and VW Forums as they can help you find other things you can do, no all work but some do.
I use the term VCDS generically at times since that's what most people understand as Obdeleven was the contender although other are available that use VAG published software interface. SS Germany has laws which make it illegal to fiddle with pollution limiting equipment why VAG takes a dim view on users getting round the feature and have been preventing it by design. Element of that in SFD as automation needs laws to regulate users from fiddling with safety features.

0-1 users on here have posted that they prefer the Android screens so that will be interesting if iOS get an improvement or Android users of the white device loose out. I don't touch Apple products.

The main thing is you dont "program" as such most of the time but flick menu options with the Pro unlocked Obdeleven. That screen is on the one marked up (0-1) on Android app. Toggles between byte view and the passed into text annotated view of what the bytes do in the long string. The long string being the actual program of each control unit. iOS screens will have something similar. Least been found here 😉. Adaptations is the other screen you head for, for mods in Obdeleven.

The flap question will be in the byte toggling I'm sure since that was how it was posted up by Greg on another vehicle. It wont be parsed into text too specific. The long strings may well not be interchangeable between brands or models so hacking these without any knowledge of what they do isn't wise. They would need to be cross referenced.

Yes "a literature review" is required eg. Read other forumns as I've said on here many times and using translation software. I provided links to the German Formentor one on the thread where the original poster is providing a monthly or so revised PDF to their findings in German. On the Seat Cupra board here there is a lot of progress made on the Leon 4, the sister car. The Spanish forums for Seat / Cupra have been good in the past. I haven't checked them for newer models.

I put Agnes onto the Obdeleven board, the Seat Cupra Leon4 board here and the German Motor Talk thread which are the three sources so far here. Basically what you are seeing on the thread too this point. SFD till a month ago had limited anything else although with the launch of Obdeleven with SFD in the last month there are reported teething problems in how it's working in the last period.

If you got the car you have to treat it as a research project if you really want to do something specific that isn't covered elsewhere. In the UK a high proportion of new cars are not owned by the individual so risk aversion comes into it, how a fair few "owners" preoccupy themselves with "detailing" since its the only thing they can legally do with them on contract terms. Clearly after their term of non ownership is up they may well wish to return the car they never owned back to where they got it from in the same state they obtained it.

The Formentor with its bugs the same as the Leon 4 and idiosyncratic features (the same as all current VAG cars), coding fixes some of this and makes the car a better car to drive, still leaves a set of issues that Seat Cupra hasn't sorted out yet. SOS warning, banging on sound, black screen infotainment, jumping from right hand drive to left hand drive etc.

The main things which bugs people. The first not being a fault but can be fixed, is the car defaults to lane assist at ignition. This can be turned to last setting, so stays on or off at ignition, however it was last set. The undertaking warning / braking which get confused with the LHD / RHD random switching via the bug, can be turned off so the lane assist camera doesn't input details of cars on either side. Fixes that issue. SS people can just put that on / off toggle as a home page within the system... that's just what people do like having the traditional button visible. Doesn't fix pressing it but brings it out of the menus. That just leaves the VAG bugs. You need the Pro license to mitigate the above fixes. All on the thread.


Active Member
May 16, 2021
Got an email from OBD the other day saying to try again as they have made some changes ,i along with others have been getting a PROBLEM WITH SFD message when trying some of the apps, i can confirm i tried a few yesterday and all worked without a problem.:)
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