new tyres or sensor?


Active Member
Jun 16, 2007
hehe, its a long story you may (or probably not) be interested in but will share it anyway:
i called my dealer where i bought my car: lookers stockport. i tried to book it in that day but the earliest i could get in was Tuesday so thought i would call another dealer near where i work (leeds). i called them and same story but they told me if i was worried i could use my breakdown cover - the guy said to call them and tell them a warning light had come on and was scared to drive the car (given i drive from manchester to leeds daily a good idea if there is an impending blow-out/slow puncture).
so i called seat breakdwon (they gave me the number) but my car had not been setup! they said they would send someone anyway (very nice of them i thought!) but to call my dealer and get it set up.
called my dealer back who said it had been setup and no need to do anything. when i told them the full situation they told me as they were only an agent of Seat they could do more for me and to take it up with Seat UK. he gave me the number to cal (the one i had been given by the dealer before) but noticed he had got it wrong. i pointed this out to him and told him i wasn't impressed at him passing the responsibility and i wanted to speak to a manager. at this point he hung up the phone on me!!! i was pretty pissed off (it takes a lit to get me going believe me!) so called straight back up and was fobbed off by a receptionist telling me the manager was on holiday and refused to give me the guys name!
im puttung all this in writing and sending it to the dealer and also Seat UK HQ (if anyone has an address that would be great) because i feel if i see them in person things may get a lttle too heated if you get me[:@]
anyway, back to gettin the tyre pressure problem sorted - the AA came out and checked all the pressures. one of them was out by 4psi and he let it down a little (in my service last week i got them to rotate the front tyres to the back for even wear) adn i reset the sensor - hey presto it was fine, biy did i feel dumb! the AA guy told me the sensors can be really sensitive but keep an eye on the pressures as it could be a slow puncture. touch wood, so far it has been fine though!
btw - if anyeon hear has had dealings with Lookers Stockport i would love to hear your thoughts as its not the frist time i've been messed around there?
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