New 1.9tdi Leon Stylance Help



Definately for me it wasan ecu software upgrade. Was something to do with the EGR valve? whatever that might control. Since the upgrade though it's been great.


That aimed at me? The judder happened everytime in 5th gear at exactly 1500rpm, shook quite bad!! they said they changed flywheel, i mentioned software so wehter they did this or not i wasnt told.

Yes it was aimed at you, seems to be a different issue as for me it is only occasionally.


when yoou say occasioally do you mean when on slight inclines/hills or with a load in the car? that when it happend to me?

Not really, seems to be pretty much random, car did not do it yesterday on a 60 mile trip but did it today during a shorter trip.

Spoke to Service Manager at Dealer and they seem to be well aware of this issue on this engine and agreed sounds like ECU software upgrade required, car booked in for a week Friday hopefully will resolve.


Here's hoping its sorted will let you know end of next week, thanks for your input.


Car went into Dealer yesteday, they updated the ECU with the most up to date software and now the problem seems to have gone away, also car feels as if power delivery is a lot smoother, here's hoping this has resolved the issue permanantly.
Nov 2, 2006
Good news then! i still have the lumpyness of the small idle vibrations? but not really bothering me at moment. glad oyu got it sorted, right pain the shaking is!


Cheers guys, seem to enjoy driving the Leon more and more each time im in it, my own car is an A4 1.8T Sline revo'd to around 230bhp but suspension is pretty harsh in day to day driving although when going along country roads makes the car handle really well.

Not in a position to change my car yet but tempted once a few miles on the Leon to get that Revo'd but not my car and the wife would not use the extra power/torque.
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