
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


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Well done... I spent along time looking for it yesterday. I'll add the syntax link which gives you the unzipping version of the download below:


It has it's uses on a wobbly internet connections by not dropping the file sharing protocol. Skoda servers can be wobbly as well. It's a Skoda method I saw someone demonstrate on a European board :).

The XXXXXXXX file name is pasted into the syntax as I did above. 0430_MP143-1248.0EUR in this case.

See whether it's got your part number in it. I did see German boards moaning about not being able to unzip during this period. If that's the case the Download manager has it built in so unzip to SD card.

(The build in extract process didn't want to work in this instance, the file transfer did, but had not toggled to delete so used the 7Zip program "Open archive" to drag and drop the the MAP directory to the card - would be your original Seat card)
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Active Member
Feb 2, 2020
After a long search I was able to find
if maybe someone needs it here

SystemName="ECE 2015/16"

SystemName="ECE 2016"

SystemName="ECE1 2016/17"
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I should say when we do hole digging out, normally do that on the common VAG release code (ApplicationSoftwareVersionNumber) and never this far back which is why it's taken a time :). Seat uses the Navigation website that just holds the "latest" (often isn't), only VW and Skoda severs have the history files if you can find the links. Best to back up before deleting. :yes: Prize too Skoda servers on this one.

I did have to use this technique on my MIB2 High after I deleted the maps it came with via the back end menu due to Mapcare. My Mib2 Standard advise which worked on finding the old releases to sort it out was at that stage not based on having access to the standard unit, but it worked, since the card is locked so the contents don't change so logically you go back to the version that worked. I see the German boards say you are stuck if you delete the card... they haven't caught up with this bit yet.


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Nov 11, 2019
Hi guys,

So for the past 2 months I've read a lot of info regarding maps for MIB2 std (6P0).
I bought my car at an auction and it came without the SD card even though it was present in the pictures where the car was presented. because the resolution is pretty bad I am not able to see what version the card was (car is registered April 2016).
From all the digging and googling I found these results (they are VW codes):
V6, 0730 2017г. - 3G0 919 866 AQ (West) ""
V5, 0635 2016/2017г. - 3G0 919 866 S (West) "http://infotainment-cdn.skoda-auto....der.exe?ver=636006251797169461&extension=.exe"
V4, 0521 2016г. - 3G0 919 866 M (West) ""

so now I have all 3 variants downloaded on my laptop but not an original card. I tried to put all of them on a regular SD card which I know it's read by the MIB2 because I can browse the folders with the built in image browser. The card is detected and nothing appearing regarding navigation. I went to a VW meeting in my city and I asked somebody for their SD card to put in my unit and see what happens. The card was detected and a message popped up saying "loading navigation", but then after a few seconds, navigation not available appeared.
So, why the difference? I think the reason is, that hidden partition that exists on VAG AS navigation cards.
Why it did not load the map with the VW card? Most likely because my MIB2 is married with the old stolen card..........but........what if, the marriage is not CID based, but by:
- 1. you need to have the hidden partition (like an original card).
- 2. you need to have the original NDS which is married to the car unit. /maps/EEC/EEC_WLD/OVERALL.NDS

to test this, i need somebody to do an entire clone of an AS card. My intention is to make 1:1 clone of what you guys "might" provide, then format the visible partition, and then extract one of my 3 maps from above, and keep my fingers crossed.

pretty please !


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It's CID based. That's been established by Exciter the person who produced the workaround. He then went onto to duplicate the card onto a "Gold card". He published some loose details on how he duplicated the card. I did it again at the turn of the year, its on the thread. Given the details since it's likely that the all European maps will out grow 16gb and you'll need 32GB to drive across Europe (zones are released... That's why they zone in preparation). Good time to dig out my Samsung Gold card which I had thrown on hold. How to on the thread. The one with the fresh faced teenagers explaining ubunto boot usbs.

If you don't know the CID code you are stuffed. Now people have put on navigation threads whether each card has a unique CID or a serial CID to the release. I'm 99.9999% confident they are unique to each card, so no two cards will have the same CID. Exciter scrubbed out his CID from the image so he might not have been sure himself at the time - didn't share.

I'd just cough up and get a card installed at a dealer then use the workaround from there on. Pretty sure you won't get anywhere due to the above paragraph.
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Nov 11, 2019
I would still want to test/play on my own based on how the unit treats an original card vs a regular card. The original card is detected as a "map card", while the regular card is loaded just as a media (pics/music) card even though the content on them is the same.
Any image of a card would be fine with any software....


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When the infotainment unit is in its virgin state it will pair itself up to the first official map card put in it using the CID, after that it can only be unpaired using ODIS or if Mapcare allows it (token one year for new cars without Mapcare, three with Mapcare on a Seat). Not knowing the CID or being able to write the CID is the stumbling block. We know how to write the CID on those specific cards that had a manufacturing curiosity referred to as Gold cards.

You could always buy several eBay Seat cards of the same version to read the CIDs they will all be different or from a Seat meet exchange identical cards although care should be taken since you might trigger the one year Mapcare or where the car has 3 year Mapcare that could be triggered and the card reassigned to a different car... so not a good idea.

I worked through what Exciter did to clone the card onto a "Gold card" in post 1972:

If you Google the cut and paste of his quote I showed it lands you into the middle of the masters work on the subject at that time. He just took it a step further and demonstrated that it also used the CID to lock the card to the unit. Practically you dont need a duplicate card unless you think it's going fail or get stolen or when the all European map pops 16gb which may occur at some future point given that Skodas cards are 32 GB now for the last couple of years. Then it's useful. Those 32 GB Samsung Evo cards of that period are in short supply thou. Only dates to a manufacturing year.
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Nov 11, 2019
I come with big news my friends that doubted me :) my idea worked.......but only half.
I went and bought a VW AS card from a similar site as ebay (OLX is named in my country). Inserted the card in slot1 in the MIB2, I had the message that navigation card was inserted but then after about 30sec of checking, the message that navigation is not available would appear. I then tried to clone the card to my regular card with EaseUS, but even after cloning the VW card to my card, it is not detected as a navigation card (just as a regular one).
I then backed up all the files from the VW card to my laptop as a precaution and then I took "" witch I assumed was originally on my stolen card and extracted over the original VW card (accepted all the overwriting).
Inserted the card in the car and worked.
pictures with proof here:

In my case the CID is not checked, but it only checks if the original NDS file is the same as the one married with the car unit.
So far, I was not able to clone the card to a regular one due to that hidden partition. Maybe with Linux I can see that partition? some ideas would be great here. I want to be able to clone this card.


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I come with big news my friends that doubted me :) my idea worked.......but only half.
I went and bought a VW AS card from a similar site as ebay (OLX is named in my country). Inserted the card in slot1 in the MIB2, I had the message that navigation card was inserted but then after about 30sec of checking, the message that navigation is not available would appear. I then tried to clone the card to my regular card with EaseUS, but even after cloning the VW card to my card, it is not detected as a navigation card (just as a regular one).
I then backed up all the files from the VW card to my laptop as a precaution and then I took "" witch I assumed was originally on my stolen card and extracted over the original VW card (accepted all the overwriting).
Inserted the card in the car and worked.
pictures with proof here:

In my case the CID is not checked, but it only checks if the original NDS file is the same as the one married with the car unit.
So far, I was not able to clone the card to a regular one due to that hidden partition. Maybe with Linux I can see that partition? some ideas would be great here. I want to be able to clone this card.

Well of course it could be the contents of the VW card CID that it approved. Revolves around the question of whether the CIDs are unique or specifically written out to each card release or has a mib2 standard id or signature in the CID. The NDS file is the date stamped one which locks the upgrades to the unit. It's clear with three year mapcare you would be able to put three years of cards in there, then the unit would reject the next card. Presume where Mapcare is offered this happens. The nifty work of moving the file between releases is something that wasn't planned for and couldn't be locked down unlike on the mib2 high where the files are signed. It certainly doesn't work on a standard SD card with any old CID, so perhaps you have discovered something that these VAG card CIDs are special in a way we dont know, identical or specific serial number ranges that the unit recognises as valid VAG cards. Suspect it's the latter.

You could try the overall.nds file one release back as well. I've never tried that on a standard. With the high you can load previous map releases but not beyond the one governed by Mapcare. I say that because your quess might not have needed to be that accurate as to what release the unit was on before the card was lost. Anything before or including if the same principle applies. Would be useful for anybody else in a similar position.

I'll pass on buying a set of standard cards off eBay to check the CID on them. There was a previous poster like you who had the same issue of a unit without a card. You can message me the CID on your VW card with the Linux / Ubunto method and I'll check it with what Ive got just in case they are exact. That method is above if you follow it and are fortunate to have the SD reader on a laptop board using a boot Ubunto USB. You will know if Ubunto can read the CID or not. Returns a blank line if not. You can do it on a Mac which is what Exciter did. You don't need a Gold card if you just want to examine the CID.

Lastly was the VW V10 card 16 or 32 GB as a matter of interest since Skoda are moving to 32 GB cards, last couple of cards so I've read. This has some use for those people that want to drive across Europa when the all Europe map out grows 16GB. Rather than cloning their existing card they could follow the method you described. Would be an easier process.
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Nov 11, 2019
I will try tonight different versions of the overall.nds and give feedback.

The card is recognized as a 15gb card. I think it's a 16gb one and the difference is that hidden partition.
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Nov 11, 2019
tested multiple versions of overall.nds
V12, 1430 2020/21 - 6P0919866BK
V11, 1310 2020г. - 6P0919866BK
V10, 1115 2019/20
V9, 1020 2018/19г.
V8, 0915 2018г. - 6P0919866AB
V7, 0820 2017/2018г. - 6P0919866R
V6, 0730 2017г.
V5, 0635 2016/2017г.
V4, 0521 2016г. - 6P0919866BD
V3, 0430 2015/2016г. - 6P0919866

So we already know that V4 already works because I tried yesterday, and because my car was produced in April 2016, the best assumption is that V4 was the original card.
Tried multiple versions above V4 and none worked. tried from V5 tot V9. So most likely my car was purchased without MapCare
Tried V3 and it does work, so it seems that you can go backwards without issues.

Last, I have downloaded the newest map (link bellow), and have put the V4 overall.nds over it.

Works as expected with the latest map.


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Ok good. That's improved the knowledge base. I thought you could go backwards with the overall.nds file if it followed the same design as how mib2 high works. What that means for anyone in a similar position would be to take the file from an early release rather than try to guess which release it was. Then just use that with the latest download.

All good stuff. I guess all these cards have a recognised VAG CID on them. This is probably why Exciter scrubbed out the CID in the image since he knew it was useable if you went down the gold card route.

Oh well I've bought the 32gb Skoda card for 2020 off eBay for the hell of it :).
32GB Version 2020 SKODA GEN2 MIB2 (Amundsen 2) Card Sat Nav SD Navigation. That would be the option for those that want to drive across Europe when the all Europe map pops 16GB.

Card arrived made in Germany by Swissbit.

Let you know how it goes. Partner won't be a happy bunny if I mess their system up. Never drive across Europe in that car in any case, backache.
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Merriment of CIDs. The mib1 and 2 CIDs are on this thread

If you follow the Google

There is one conversation of whether the mib2 one varies by year


So we have progressed from whether it's difference for each map release card by year or not

That was a 2015 quoted one atleast... I popped my boot Ubunto boot USB in and check with what was on the Seat 1030 release SD.

It aggrees up to


Did a Google and turned up with this.

The poster zero fills the rest and says any card's data can be used with a 2013 map. But then we sort of know that. Wonder whether they mean the lock down of the unit to the overall.nds file may be released and any subsequent releases using the one for that year. It appears if you dont know your CID and wanted to make a Gold card you just 0 fill up to the end. That's the only conclusion I make from this without experimentation.... Think I'll wait for the arrival of the 32gb Skoda card.
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Upgrading to 32gb Skoda Card (for use on a Seat Mib2 Standard only)

Card arrived. Indeed 32GB which I bought off EBay described as

Version 2020 SKODA GEN2 MIB2 (Amundsen 2) Card Sat Nav SD Navigation

Release 1430 the current release.

These latest 32GB cards are made by Swissbit.

Invested £40 (you might find it cheaper) to test the upgrade to this card for when the all Europe map pops 16gb for those drives across Europe where the released zones wont be much good. Good news its pretty painless and your old Seat card still works. The unit doesn't inherit anything from the card.

I didn't try popping the card in without the overall.nds workaround. Decided that would be asking for trouble. Copied the matching overall.nds file from the original card using the workaround method.

Strong believer of reboots to the system when you change map cards so with the card out, long hold on the on / off button till it reboots, turn off again, card in no problems. Works fine. Do the process again put the original card in works fine.

I was inspired by Godzzi above putting in a VW card without issue. I think for people with fairly new cars the issue would be if you did it without changing the overall.nds file Mapcare might kick in which is why a previous posters plan of getting two cards out of it failed as the unit tethered itself to the new overall.nds. This is the complimentary one year Mapcare you get in the UK. You can't buy Mapcare after that.

As far as getting a 32gb card it's far less hassle than cloning the CID on a Gold card. Cost of Gold card with be similar but with Ubunto / Linux hassle. Suspect these newer cards may be faster than the Samsung Evo 2015 cards which are the Gold cards.

Lost, Stolen and Missing Cards from a Mib2 Standard Unit

Godzzi and myself covered the process of getting back a card that was lost or stolen out of the unit. Buy a card and put back the overall.nds file from the year or one before (see link to workaround method below). For good measure you can go back to V1 Seat map release rather than playing lucky dip with the download releases if you don't know which release was paired with the car, link below and use the most recent map update over writing the overall.nds file with the V1 one.

V1 link (Credit Markobc with that one):

or Skoda's download manager version (more resilient to network timing out issues)


Godzzi tested for me that going back beyond the paired overall.nds file. So if in doubt jump back releases if you dont know what the release was. Then do the workaround using the overall.nds file. (I did test that with a unit with the overall.nds of 1030 and works fine with 0430)

Variation on the workaround but going back to the Seat base year for mib2 if no more information on what was in the car. Full credit goes to Exciter for the workaround. That's re-documented on the thread a number of times and across the net. Basically now identified that these overall.nds files contains a date stamp as well as a general database index. For other VAG cars you might want to go back to 0235 (2014/15) which is the very first release ahead of it coming to Seat

The card needs to be a Standard Mib2 card, can be Seat, Skoda or VW. Might wish to consider the recent 32GB card planning ahead.


See post 1809 and 1810 for the most recent documentation based on users pit falls in the last three years:

Obviously in step 1 you use the latest download which currently is 1430:

How do I know it's a Mib2 Standard

All of this you can only do if it's a Mib2 Standard

Press the “NAV” Button >

Confirm the “Setup” >

“Version information” selection on the display.

Check the first text line in "Version information".

If the first three digits are 6P0 it's a mib2 standard (serial number is also on the card)

5F with a mapping card in the slot it's mib1 standard

If not it's a mib1 or 2 "Navi System Plus" (no card in the slot)


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Active Member
Feb 2, 2020
great news,by some logic, it would now be enough to move only with v1 overall.nds on vw or skoda card,
and it should work for all models,no matter what previous version they had ,
you just need to test if it only works with the original overall or also with v1,
what do you think about that?


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great news,by some logic, it would now be enough to move only with v1 overall.nds on vw or skoda card,
and it should work for all models,no matter what previous version they had ,
you just need to test if it only works with the original overall or also with v1,
what do you think about that?

Will be all versions going back from the original overall.nds but not forward. It's like a date stamp so it just tells the unit Its a really old card in it. Godzzi went back one from the original and it was fine. Asked him to do that.

I have always said it's a top level index database file which is interchangeable between releases. That file must also contain a date stamp or serial code which is used to validate the release against what is loaded in the car when a map card is first entered. We know mib2 high uses calender quarters based on the sat nav time. It will reject map updates after the time is up, but old ones are fine. The overall.nds file works to a similar principle going back is fine but not beyond the installed one. Workaround around steps around that logic although it can set a software version management (SVM) flag in the unit. Given up clearing these now since it isn't important.

I have checked the Seat V1 file on one configured for 1030 and works fine. You can go backwards but not forwards beyond the one configured against the unit. Then it's the "workaround".

Some loose ends as to whether there is a FEC code that appears on the standard like on the high which is the actual control. I haven't got round to scrutinising the standard FEC codes. We could exchange pictures of those I suppose. You'd have trouble changing those so would be a bit academic. Some people do know how to do it, I don't. We are told it's an ODIS process.
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Skoda sector size 512.

Partition goes all the way up to 32gb that you get on fat32 with 256mb unallocated.

Shows as 29.89 gb allocated primary partions, 256 mb not. Under computer management storage.

Shown under disk properties:

Used 15266054144

Free 16815128576


The indexing of Fat32 effects the shortfall of 29.8gb capacity and 32gb. Probably grandma and eggs on this :). So loads of spare space.

Pleased that we have made some good progress on how to sort out missing Mib2 map cards and upgrading to 32GB original VAG cards for anybody with the future need :flag:.
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Feb 24, 2020
Merriment of CIDs. The mib1 and 2 CIDs are on this thread

If you follow the Google

There is one conversation of whether the mib2 one varies by year


So we have progressed from whether it's difference for each map release card by year or not

That was a 2015 quoted one atleast... I popped my boot Ubunto boot USB in and check with what was on the Seat 1030 release SD.

It aggrees up to


Did a Google and turned up with this.

The poster zero fills the rest and says any card's data can be used with a 2013 map. But then we sort of know that. Wonder whether they mean the lock down of the unit to the overall.nds file may be released and any subsequent releases using the one for that year. It appears if you dont know your CID and wanted to make a Gold card you just 0 fill up to the end. That's the only conclusion I make from this without experimentation.... Think I'll wait for the arrival of the 32gb Skoda card.

I've read through quite a bit of threads posted on this forum but didn't see anything related to the question that I'm about to asked (if the answer is actually here and I missed it "Sorry").

I've recently moved to France from the USA with my 2017 VW Golf, and have been working with two different gentlemen trying to get my MIB2 based VW Infortaiment Navigation system to recognize the VW SD with European maps loaded. As to not waste your time by posting all of the information related to SDs tried, system data, map versions, etc., I'd thought that I would just asked you up front if you had any experience/knowledge with getting something like this effort to work. Thanks, Ron
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