My new 08 Ibiza Fr (Candy white)


Active Member
Feb 17, 2008
almost bought one of these brand new a month or so ago, but realised it would be too small if another kiddie found its way out of my yummy mummy girlfriend and into this world ... however looking at how nice that is perhaps i should have just bought a few packs of durex


Washed again yesterday!!

And started with my first mod.... some nice Fr badges for the front wings (aquired via ebay)



Next the wheels me thinks, and still looking for carbon stuff.

Smart looking job - well impressed. I like folks to give step-by-steps for nerds like me :D

BTW for what it's worth, be careful when you post up pics - yours show an awful lot of info that some barstools could find useful: car reg., street name, other car reg. in reflections, etc. Would be dead easy to clone your car details, even down to your mods... or pay a visit for relieving you of a nice shiny new motor! And horror of horrors, now we know the reg and that your missus uses it for work... car-jacking is a little too common for my liking. Do us a favour and clean up your pics? Be careful out there! :)


Anjuna Monkey
Mar 15, 2008
wow, one of the nicest candy white ones ive seen (and they're all gorgeous) fantastic job of cleaning it, its that clean i can see the neighbours number plates :happy:
Yamaha Pc-50
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