Leon FR PD170 TDi Injector problem


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
According to a Post on Briskoda

VOSA Have announced that VAG Have accepted this as a Fault and all dealers have now been issued s bulletin to accept full responsibility?

Ask Techie


Hey LukeH, if your injectors do pack up seat customer service won't want to know if your cars modded. Guy I spoke to at my local dealer told me it gives the impression the cars had a hard life or been driven hard. Any big mods just gives seat the leverage to put the blame back on you as the cars been fettled with. Their Diagnostics should show your remap to, so be warned. Remap on this engine causes huge DPF problems anyway which is why I decided against a map. Mines completely standard other than a set of bbs ch's so there was no argument about me contributing to the failure.


According to a Post on Briskoda

VOSA Have announced that VAG Have accepted this as a Fault and all dealers have now been issued s bulletin to accept full responsibility?

Ask Techie

Link please?


Active Member
May 19, 2008
Hi Marky_b, yeah I guess it makes sense that they wouldn't be keen on any engine mods such as re-maps. I will most probably just stick to the suspension upgrade to begin with then just to improve the ride quality & put any plans for a re-map on hold.



Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
Ask Techie he will know full details

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hi guys after having injector no 3 go on my fr paid just under £800 for injector & loom to be replaced after one call to seat uk they agreed to reimburse £645 plus replace remaining 3 injectors, since the work was done the engine speed seems to vary when ideling (sometimes quite noisy) has anybody else had this experience or have any idea what might be the cause.

Does it sound like a missfire??


Are you sure? Do you have a letter, answer, link, something?

a service bulletin is completely private, if you manage to get info, it'l be cuz u know a friend of a friend etc, there will be NO link confirming this, and you probably wont even know it exists,


If service number 6 of 7 was carried out at an independent, with the other 6 main dealer, and an injector went, would Seat UK cough up?



Yes, I have 4 services at main dealer then 4 at independent and they payed mine.


Sorry should have said I have all receipts from my services and always asked that the service was carried out in line with what SEAT would do on that particular service. They did ask for copies of everything before approving it.


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
From Briskoda

VOSA update, VAG have agreed to replace failed injectors for free. They will only cover the part cost, and you should be able to push for all 4 to be replaced if you push with the dealers.

There is a further meeting happening sometime in the next weeks between VOSA and VAG to iron out the fact that replacing AFTER failure does not solve the safety issue, and whether money can be claimed back for all who had to pay to get this done in the first place.

And From Tech1e

Dealers have a bulletin with instructions on how to claim injectors now and what is allowed etc.


I just wanted to chime in to say my 56 TDI FR Leon with 39,000 miles on the clock, cut out on me at 90 mph motorway. Before the wheels stop turning I knew an injector had failed!

After reading this thread again I contacted Seat UK and interestingly they weren't very forthcoming till I started talking about the safety aspects and the way the brakes on power steering stop working. Immediately they change their tune and started talking about goodwill! Happily they have agreed to replace the broken injector and the wiring loom at no charge. The car is back with me now and is running just as sweet as ever.

Seat UK did say to me that is now their policy not to change all the injectors. They claim now the wiring loom has been replaced the other injectors should no longer fail.

Thanks must go to everyone this thread who has shared their information, because it's only as a result of their time than I saved around the thousand pounds…..Don't you love the Internet sometimes?


I assume that was a German motorway Sieze? *cough* - or perhaps a private one? :)


Taking my mum out for the day, travelling at 70mph in the fast lane and my FR has just 'died' on me. I can now see just how bad it is when this happens, car just slows immediately, cars behind have to take drastic action and I have to pull in to the side.

Rang Seat from the car and all they said was to take the car to the dealer who would inspect the fault and then contact them.

The dealer did not seem bothered about what could have happened and said I had to take my service book in before they would do anything.

What happens next, the car is 4 years old in August but has had 6 main dealer services on a lease maintainence program but is now out of warranty.


hi guys after having injector no 3 go on my fr paid just under £800 for injector & loom to be replaced after one call to seat uk they agreed to reimburse £645 plus replace remaining 3 injectors, since the work was done the engine speed seems to vary when ideling (sometimes quite noisy) has anybody else had this experience or have any idea what might be the cause.

Injector 3 went on my Leon FR and since having that replaced my engine speed varies too, and can be quite noisy! I have no idea, my husband thinks I just trying to find fault now its been fixed......
Anyway I have sent a letter to Seat UK to see if they will reimburse the difference to what I paid and what I managed to claim back from the garage I bought the car from (only owned the car 5 weeks when injector went), and also to replace the other 3 injectors. I have just arrived home to an answerphone message from them to say my case is being looked at and I will receive a letter within 7 days with their decision....fingers crossed.
If they don't then I have lost faith in the Seat brand completely as they must know by now that this is a recurring problem!!!
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