Leon Boost Gauges | Oil Pressure etc - Which Gauge is the best match???


Wanna go fasterrrR
Oct 9, 2008
Exeter, Devon
Sorry to bump this up again!! :p

Here's the finished dial's:-


What's your feedback?!!! :D

SNAP! :p


Cupra R Potter
Wish mine were matt black now :( oh well lol!

Regarding your PM CupraR_Lad:

You must be careful screwing in the sensor into the blanking plug. It gets tight quite early down the thread (about 2/3rds the way down) - I thought this was because it wasn't an M10 hole (so bought an 1/8NPT to realise that it was indeed a M10 thread lol)

But look:


I thought the heat did this but its not. It gets tight screwing it in as it hits something in there. So I put my spare sender in with PTFA tape and 2 M10 copper washers.

Hope this helps people in trying to force the sender in lol :)


Wanna go fasterrrR
Oct 9, 2008
Exeter, Devon
StokieShinobi could you do a little guide? It would be of great help I think to many people (including myself). Like a list of parts needed, then how and where to connect things up in the engine bay. There is a guide on here for a boost gauge but not an oil temp gauge.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2006
Any of you guys notice on your autogauge oil temp guage the needle with sit at nothing for ages then all of a sudden go straight to about 75-80 is this normal behaviour. Oh aye and like the black paint on the rings looks mint. :D


could somebody help me out please, i got the same autogauge oil temp, and the sender i got with it has the red and black wire coming out of it, but cause mine is a diesel and i need the sump plug with the sender built it, the sump plug only has one connector on it for a spade, but the autogauge sender has two wires, what are the wires for?


Rubbing is Racing :-)
Mar 4, 2008
2 wires; 1 goes to the gauge, the other goes to earth. You don't need the earth wire if you have a decent contact with the engine block, as it is earthed anyway. So just one wire to the gauge is all you need.


2 wires; 1 goes to the gauge, the other goes to earth. You don't need the earth wire if you have a decent contact with the engine block, as it is earthed anyway. So just one wire to the gauge is all you need.

cheers mate, so all i need now is the sump plug connector and wire it to my gauge, i might sound stupid lol, but the sump plug with the sender built in will basically be earthed as its in the sump?


Rubbing is Racing :-)
Mar 4, 2008
that is correct - a copper washer should be supplied with it to ensure conductivity :)


Rubbing is Racing :-)
Mar 4, 2008
Mine wouldn't earth itself, so I ran an extra wire from the back of the gauge on the earth prong and earthed that aswell, worked a treat then

i've done that too; i think that is because the thread go tight before the sender is the entire way in, and i've used ptfe tape which is probably insulating it!