
LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Sorry to read this matey, but priorities change sometimes don't they? Make sure you don't break the car we need to get out on track together and have a blast!

I know exactly what you mean there pal. I wish I had the cash do go competitive but we'll see after Christmas.

I hope things change for the better and start looking up so you can crack on with this fantastic project mate, I really do.
Really looking forward to getting back onto the track and if I had the £5,000 to through at this just now I would be doing it.
I'm not one for doing things by half, when I'm on the track I push things as far as I can. I'm getting more scared to do this without a cage.
BUT, next time I'll hopefully ave a cage fitted :)

A few of us are selling right now, and all for different reasons, but you would definitely be daft to sell this.
Yup, cheers far talking me round from my moment of insanity

Not goos to hear willie, your always the one to twist my arm and get me back on track with the car, past while i have been thinking the same as you abourt breaking /selling but i'm going to hang in there.

its a cracking car youve got anyway stick with it and take a break from the modding like i did.
A break will be good

be such a shame to split up mate. far too much engineering gone into this. hopefully a little time away plus a little browse on here from time to tme will give you the motivation you need! all the best
Cheers buddy
Mar 29, 2007
I know what you mean Willy. I stopped spending on the car when I got the idea to buy a house last year.

Now all that's started to settle down I'm thinking of selling the LCR next year so that I can buy a large naturally aspirated engined car (with manual transmission, rwd, lsd). I'm thinking the E46 M3 fits the bill at the moment...

I've always loved lots of revs and good handling and turbos and fwd just aren't for me at the moment.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
I know what you mean Willy. I stopped spending on the car when I got the idea to buy a house last year.

Now all that's started to settle down I'm thinking of selling the LCR next year so that I can buy a large naturally aspirated engined car (with manual transmission, rwd, lsd). I'm thinking the E46 M3 fits the bill at the moment...

I've always loved lots of revs and good handling and turbos and fwd just aren't for me at the moment.
Aye aye stranger, yup things have to be prioritised. M3 sounds and looks good


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
You can't sell up Willie, that car is amazing! Was lucky enough to get taken for a spin on Monday night, what an animal. It's easy to lose enthusiasm for stuff when things aren't just quite right, maybe concentrate on sorting out the niggles and noises then just enjoy what you've built for a bit? This is one of the most (if not THE most) original modded cars I've read about or seen, would be a real shame to see it go.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
You can't sell up Willie, that car is amazing! Was lucky enough to get taken for a spin on Monday night, what an animal. It's easy to lose enthusiasm for stuff when things aren't just quite right, maybe concentrate on sorting out the niggles and noises then just enjoy what you've built for a bit? This is one of the most (if not THE most) original modded cars I've read about or seen, would be a real shame to see it go.
Cheers Niall, you aint seen nothing yet :)
Once all is sorted i'll take you for another spin, that'll get you smiling


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers Niall, you aint seen nothing yet :)
Once all is sorted i'll take you for another spin, that'll get you smiling

That's more like it, read more than enough of this "i'm selling up" type chat around here recently ;) Will be looking forward to it, maybe I'll even tag along to a day at KH sometime once I get mine in slightly better shape and get the confidence up.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Fantastic progress on this buddy, i've read all 51 pages over the last few days. Very nice.
WOW, that takes some dedication/boredom.
Hope you found something to help you with your cars progress, let me know if you need any help with anything

That's more like it, read more than enough of this "i'm selling up" type chat around here recently ;) Will be looking forward to it, maybe I'll even tag along to a day at KH sometime once I get mine in slightly better shape and get the confidence up.

Your more than welcome to don a crash helmet for a spin around KH some time if you don't scare easily :cartman:;)


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Stick with it Willie, a major project/track beast like your is bound to have ups and downs.
I'm beginning to see/feel just how expensive track prepping a car properly really is.
they don't look expensive but by feck they are as every piece has to be bomb proof or it will be your weakest link and fail on you.
I'm a bit anal about some thing too, like handling.
so as its not feeling so good now its really bothering me


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
I'm beginning to see/feel just how expensive track prepping a car properly really is.
they don't look expensive but by feck they are as every piece has to be bomb proof or it will be your weakest link and fail on you.
I'm a bit anal about some thing too, like handling.
so as its not feeling so good now its really bothering me

Thing you have to remember is that as it's your car you'll see and hear things others can't. Like on Monday you were saying your car felt "loose", when you took me for a spin that was the last adjective that sprung to my mind - as I said to you afterwards, to me it felt like being in a scalextric car going flat out, the feeling of being totally planted and compsed on the road was that good, even in such wet conditions. That car is an inspiration.

And as J0N says, anything this technical at this level is going to have ups and downs. You said yourself you've proved your car (and the technical know-how and effort to get it to that level) against waaaay more exotic, specific and expensive machinery. This is no small feat by any stretch of the imagination.


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
As a comparison, I watched Willies toy dispatch a MK2 LC last night ;)
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