Just fitted a green cotton filter...worth a ECU reset?


Full Member
May 26, 2005
West Sussex
Hi guys,

Just got a green cotton filter and was wondering whether it will be worth an ECU reset to take advantage of the better airflow?

If so hows the best way to do it? What do I need to do?


See no evil...
Jul 26, 2004
It wouldn't hurt to do it.

All you have to do is disconnect the battery for 30 minutes or so and then reconnect it. Easy as that. :)


Active Member
May 3, 2004
alternativley, for a TB reset you just open your bonnet - then turn on the ignition (not engine)
You'll hear the high-pitched squeel until its finished.

Not sure whether this is all thats needed though - perhaps a disconnection of battery is worth it anyway :)


Full Member
May 26, 2005
West Sussex
The TB reset work on the TDIs as well? I looked under the battery cover and there is a cover fuse box on top of the battery. Do I just disconnect the live and then the earth for half hour?


soon 2B 2 wheeler!
Jun 16, 2006
when you do the reset mate make sure you have warmed the engine up before hand, dissconect battery for 25-30 mins(big terminals under the second cover) then reconnect, turn ignition to 2(dont start just yet), press both elec window buttons fully so they auto wind down, when open press button fully again this teaches the ECU where the end of rails is for the glass. then pull buttons fully to wind up the pull fully again(if you have rear windows same process).
now start engine switch on all lights including fogs if you have em and also turn aircon/climate/heaters to full for 30 second the switch off every thing. restart engine a take for a drive, take car somewhere quiet without boosting turbo as much as possable, then accelerate in each gear(up to 4th) a couple of times to full revs(hense pre-warm up) then let it slow down without braking as mush poss. this basically teaches the ecu what could be expected of the engine if required at full speed for the right fueling and stuff, after that try and take for a drive where you can make top gear safely and legally and accelerate from low revs a couple of times,
this is the process i used on my car and after it did seem to run a lot smother, it is quite in depth but your efectively removing all adaptions from the ECU when you reset it so teaching it what to do when it needs to is a good idea. hope it helps a bit mate


Active Member
Feb 11, 2006
once you reconnect the battery and you driving the car as u would usually, would it not adapt to ur way of driving? Why do we have to do all those steps...need help here!


soon 2B 2 wheeler!
Jun 16, 2006
basically as far as i understand the ecu records information on fueling depending on how the car is driven then it adapts every 100miles or so to keep up to date with fuel type, driver type, ambient/running temp (ie summer/winter) but these are just added to the top of the original adaptions taken from the first few enigne cycles(ignition starts). so the theory is when the car is new it has a clear ECU but 9/10 the first few engine cycles are during the bedding in stage of the new engine ie low revs taking it steady etc after this period is up and you start reving freely and higher speeds are involed it is still working to those perameters but with new adaptions to compensate for faster driving. so the answer is when you reset the ECU drive like a mo fo using full revs and full load acceleration the ECU learns this as the base settings and adapts from a higher level of performance to you individual driving style


soon 2B 2 wheeler!
Jun 16, 2006
if you don't do your windows the ECU will rely on the window stop sensor(the bit that stops you window closing when it senses presure ie.. arm/head stuck in the window lol) to stop the motor when it reaches the top.


Full Member
May 26, 2005
West Sussex
Did my ECU reset and whilst I popped into work and then had a blat along the A27 as instructed. The combination of the ECU reset and the green cotton filter has done wonders :D Defo smoother and defo feeling a bit stronger in the mid range.

Well worth doing imo :D Cheers guys!


soon 2B 2 wheeler!
Jun 16, 2006
no probs matey did you notice the car feeling smoother when you let of the acelerator, thats the main differance i noticed.


Active Member
Jan 29, 2007
How much are these cotton filters? and what do they improve? or are they just cleaner for the env? Also i hear everyone mention a ecu reset?

What does this actually do? does it do any harm?


Full Member
May 26, 2005
West Sussex
I got mine second hand on here but they are about £35 new. It doesn't do any harm, all it does is reset the ECU to factory stock and you have to tell it to relearn your driving styles and fuels.

Standard practise on here for some! As you can see I have done it and its not caused me any problems at all.
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