Has anyone got goodwill out of Seat for out of warranty repairs?


May 11, 2005
This was last March / April time.

The wheels are the same conditionthey were then.

I doubt the dealer will have any record of the enquiry though as I didn't even get a proper invoice for the work that they did do just a letter (after pestering) detailing the work done.

Oh and when the car came back from the dealers - they had it for a couple of weeks waiting for rear dampers - the engine mgmt light they were supposed to have sorted came back and then when I got it back the second time the front arch had been scuffed! I noticed that on forecourt and kicked off after which they agreed to pay for the remedial work.

Seat should have a ote of your enquiry with them when they told you it is upto service manager etc.

Ring them back, advise you are not happy and wish to take the matter further, suely they have a set proceedure and guide lines for these things. In view of them nw being outside warrenty but th fault was initiaky reported within the warrenty period they should inspect (free of charge) and let you have the report. If they do not agree to this, advise them you ill get your own report from an independant assessor (search assessors on yell.com).

When ou get the report saying the wheels are corroded and it appears to pre-exist the expiry of the warrenty ad appears to be due to poor quality etc. send it to seat, giving them 14 days to pay or issue.

Cost to issue about £50 for £1500 worth of alloys, well worth it IMHO


May 11, 2005
I think it all boils down to the garage tbh.

The warrenty is with seat therefore the desision should be theirs, all th dealer is is their eyes, howeve rif a dealer is short sited your have to make things clearer sometimes step in the independant engineer who has 20:20 vision.

Don't let them get away with it or they will never learn!

R French

Full Member
Re your leaks:

It has been standard practice for a while in SEAT dealerships for the technicians to be issued with their own pot of seam sealer. The idea being - wear a set of Laytex gloves and fill the bulkhead with gloop up by the windscreen pillars until the car stops leaking.

SAET approved repair - job time allowed 30mins

I've seen ~350-400 Leon's of all models made leak tight in this manner - gratis since the facelift model came out.

I seriously think you should have a case for this as it is work that should have been done but no car was ever recalled for this as it is assumed dilligent owners would report fault.


I want my SuperLeggeras!!
Aug 3, 2004
Just a thought I had the windscreen replaced last year as it was chipped... Could this have started the bulkhead leak?


R French

Full Member
More than likely - yes. Chances are your car will have been sealed in the first couple of months by a dealer and a new windscreen is a highly likly culprit to disturb the seal and cause serious leaks.

If it was done by an insurance approved company the work may still be under gaurantee. I know direct line have 3yrs on all workmanship. I had to have a entire new windscreen seal fitted to a Clio DCi after autowindscreens put a cheesewire through it and tryed to cover it with Polyeurothane sealant.

Could be worth a try.


May 11, 2005
I always insist on same marque screen and new seal if I ever have a screan fitted.

On the Elise it cost the insurer £600 and this was via a none approved (main dealer) despite a claims limit of £150 for none approved repairer!


I want my SuperLeggeras!!
Aug 3, 2004
Seat have just told me the windscreen replacement would have NOT caused the front bulkhead to leak :(

Just seat's sh*t design then :(
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