Follow what comes from the pipe on top of the oil filter and remove it, you will have some pipes that go to the inlet manifold you will need to blank them of so you dont get a vacuum leak, then follow what comes from the cam cover and remove that right up to the tip. You should have two out puts from the engine the one on the cam cover and the one from the top of the oil filter they both blow gases from the engine and need to be "T'ed" together and then in to the catch tank, you can then either run the out from the catch tank to the T.I.P or out to atmosphere under the bulk head
(not in the engine bay or the gases will end up in the car and you will die) The amount of elbows depends on the route of the hoses and where you have mounted the catch tank, the best thing to do is mount the catch tank and then plan your hose route. I hope this makes sense.
This is my latest set up, just to confuse matters more i have had my catch tank custom made and has two inlets and the one outlet this allows me to run the hoses without having to "T" them together, but you can follow the hose routes from the pipe under the manifold and the
cam cover and to the T.I.P.
(if anyone is interested in the catch tanks PM me and i will let you have the contact details and cost of the tank, please note i do not benefit from any sales of these tanks)