I gave my friend a lift to mechanic today. He picked up his scoobie sti which is supposed to have 320hp.
Way back was a bit faster than getting to mechanic. I must say little Leon has nothing to be ashamed off
Im quite torn now. My premium increased by 100% this year. I spent about 500 pounds monthly on the car (credit+insurance+few tanks, not counting in any upgrades). Its a lot of money. Im not sure if it makes sense to keep the car. Actually im sure it doesnt but it gives me so much fun Its really hard for me to part with it :<. I know it would feel great when I will do stage 2 on it. Im still missing TBE which will be around 400 - 500 (2nd hand) and then stage 2 will be another 300. Then i could use better suspension, ARB's, brakes... and lists go on. Im just not longer sure anymore if I really want to go this way (or actually if I can afford that). Maybe I will just sell the car and buy some 125cc bike, drive it for a year, save some money and then buy a car.