Forge 007p vs Split R


turbin, your DV sound louder than mine ever was, what boost/map you running? and what exhaust?

Mine 007P is installed the way it's designed to be installed on this clip, meaning recirculated air is vented out the side of the valve. I don't know if that is what you guys call "reverse" ?? Im running BSR generic remap and usually see 23psi before a smooth drop to aprox 14psi @ redline. Stock exhaust. Have removed the inside hood insulation tho. It was hugging my cone filter.
Jun 26, 2008
Just round the corner.
Hi Guys,
First of all sorry if this is a duplicate, as i have search for 007p vs Split R and found no results.
Anyways, i bought my self a Forge Split R last month, fitted it with the noise cone. (After reading posts, im thinking of setting to recirc due to loss of turbo pressure).
I am looking to get my car remapped to stage 1 then maybe to stage 2 later on in the year.
My question is, if i set my Split R to fully recirc, will it be as good as a 007P or am i better off purchasing a 007P?



You should have had a blanking plug in the box , to make the splt r fully recirc.
Had mine on (splt r) for four months now and no probs.


Wants a mk2 GTI
Oct 3, 2005
worth noting that for whatever reason, the split-r is MUCH louder in my experience if you have the engine cover on... (on a AUQ)


might flip the 007 to reverse see how it goes if it doesnt do damage
Well this is the thing, some people I've read about on here haven't had any problems and some have. To be honest, when I fitted it I didn't think the filter was oily at all, quite dry actually. I'm not goin to oil it when I clean it still.


So I flipped the 007P vertical. One thing that hit me looking into the port where returnboost is coming from the turbo is that its pressing on the piston in the same direction as the spring. When you leave the valve horizontal the return pressure press against the piston and against the spring. I put in the yellow spring and went fo a testdrive.. Im not even sure its opening. I cant hear the valve "squeak" anymore...

Im gonna try it with the green spring now.. but from just looking inside the valve its clearly designed to get the returnboost pressing against the spring (horizontal) wich is reverse from the way the bosh valve was installed. (different design)


There is no problem using the DV on reverse. In the other hand the splitter must be fitted only on reverse.
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