Fitting HIDs problem


Active Member
Aug 19, 2007
Glad you finally got them fitted Aimez. Changing the normal bulbs is tricky enough let alone fitting HIDs.. I really want some of these now, there's a set of OEM ones on eBay but they are way too expensive!

you got a link? i might be intrested in them.


_______ C U P R A _______
Jan 29, 2007
At least they have the reflectors and maybe the self levelling motors. But yea, still mimumum £50 on top for the bulbs and ballasts :(


Active Member
Aug 19, 2007
At least they have the reflectors and maybe the self levelling motors. But yea, still mimumum £50 on top for the bulbs and ballasts :(

they will have self leveling motors and reflectors. I got a HID kit i would use rather then the standard components. Think i might go for them.

My uncle (who works for a VAG parts specalist in swindon) couldn't get them cheeper then £290 each

And it is SOOOO illigal to run HID'S with no projector lamps. (not haveing ago, i just want to do it as legal as possible)


Active Member
May 5, 2005
I don't think the projectors is so much the issue because Renault, Honda & Volvo have put HID's into cars without them.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2007
DFT Document1697275 said:
In summary it is not permitted to convert an existing halogen headlamp unit for use with HID bulbs. The entire headlamp unit must be replaced with one designed and approved for use with HID bulbs and it must be installed in accordance with the rules stated above.

Taken From

This in most cases will mean Projectors. Sorry Should have been more clear, I mean not useinging projectors on the IBIZA is very illigal.

aimez = based on that you will not pass an MOT. but if the MOT centre is not aware then thay might just pass it.


Full Member
May 26, 2005
West Sussex
Taken From

This in most cases will mean Projectors. Sorry Should have been more clear, I mean not useinging projectors on the IBIZA is very illigal.

aimez = based on that you will not pass an MOT. but if the MOT centre is not aware then thay might just pass it.

Crap, just sheer crap.

At no point does it say projector lamps. They are not a requirement at all. It is not illegal to run without projectors. Renualt do it without in the laguna, honda in the civic and Volvo with the V70.

My car has HIDs and has passed MOT twice without issue and with good patterns. That makes my car legal. I have never been flashed (apart from going over the brow of a hill which is the same problem for halogen and xenon alike) and always make sure alignement is correct and lenses are clean


Active Member
Aug 19, 2007
no need to be rude mate.... if you read the article which is the legal requirements for the UK it does say it is ILLIGAL to retro fit HID's.... HID’S can only be fitted in adapted headlights. for the IBIZA this is the projector lights.

some cars such as the ones you mentioned, might not use projectors but the headlights will be adapted for the HID.

and as i also said, legally is should fail the MOT but most placed don't check or just think it is standard on your car.

I am not having a go at anyone just making people aware of the legal requirements on HID's. I mean even once i have fitted the projector lights and HID's there still illegal because i won't have washers on them.

I am only trying to hightlight legal stuff as people should know it beofre they going doing things like this.


Active Member
Anyway people stop ruining my thread with the same old HID talk!

Before with Halfords Brilliance and Ring blue side lights


After 8000k HIDs!



_______ C U P R A _______
Jan 29, 2007
Looking good :thumbup: They aren't as blue as I thought 8000k would be either...just the right colour I think
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