If yours is doing 2 mph more on the trap speed, doesn't necessarily mean that it will be just as quick 0-60 mate.
Quarter mile runs are more complicated than they seem. Trap speed tells you a lot about a cars acceleration! ET tells you how well it puts the power down!
To try and explain;
The distance is fixed (quarter mile) so the speed you achieve in that qtm is based on how fast you can accelerate in that distance. To expand - Two cars might achieve the same ET 15sec say, though the first Traps 110mph and the other 90mph... You could argue the first car is "quicker" as it can accelerate to a greater speed in the same distance, but due to traction, gear changes etc they achieve the same result... In real life, unless you're a traffic light warrior, being able to improve your trap speed is probably more important.
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