Hi All, I have a 2020 leon ehybrid and when the engine is started and is ticking over it sounds screwed. like a loud rattling noise as if something mechanical is worn / loose!! It has been to seat this week and i was told it was a known issue and that a software update fixes it
I laughed a bit as i've never heard anything so stupid before! So car was updated and funnily enough the same rattling noise is there.
Also why i was there i met a man with exactly the same faults (i say faults as we both have exactly the same and will pop them down at the end) and exactly the same car (apart from his was red)
So my question is to everyone that owns one is! does everyone's sound like this as surely it is not right and there must be something wrong.
The faults i have which i am attempting to get fixed.
Engine rattles like bearings / valves arer screwed.
media system turns itself off and will not come back on.
inside lighting on the doors will not work.
Anyone else have these faults as the other bloke i met had identical issues.
Cheers in advance for any replys, Darren.
Also why i was there i met a man with exactly the same faults (i say faults as we both have exactly the same and will pop them down at the end) and exactly the same car (apart from his was red)
So my question is to everyone that owns one is! does everyone's sound like this as surely it is not right and there must be something wrong.
The faults i have which i am attempting to get fixed.
Engine rattles like bearings / valves arer screwed.
media system turns itself off and will not come back on.
inside lighting on the doors will not work.
Anyone else have these faults as the other bloke i met had identical issues.
Cheers in advance for any replys, Darren.