I managed to give it some attention this afternoon.
I quickly decided that I wasn't going to get the engine side bolt in that holds the oil drain to the bottom of the turbo. I undid the driveshaft coupling, but the driveshaft wouldn't clear the drive flange. A quick email to m0rk and the answer came back to undo the bottom ball joint plate from the wishbone. With the driveshaft to one side, it was easy to refit the oil drain.
***Tip for future installers, take the oil drain off the car and fit it to the turbo before you put the turbo down the back. You'd need to have the driveshaft uncoupled otherwise there wouldn't be sufficient clearance for fitting the turbo.
Tightened the driveshaft back up and then managed to completely slip the ball joint bracket off the end of the wishbone. With a nice stiff ARB on, the bracket was sitting 3" lower than the wishbone. I had to undo the droplink and f*** about with a jack and leverage to get it back on. (much harder with the wheel still on) The joys of working on your own.
I checked the gap between the driveshaft coupling and the bottom of the oil drain. 4mm!

I decided I'd just see what happened if I refitted the curved shield that goes over the coupling. I managed to get it on but the coupling rubs it. It's plastic with heatproof material on the top to protect the rubber boot. The catching wasn't too bad, so I thought I'd just let the coupling wear it's way into it when the car was running. I had second thoughts about this later. I'm going to cut the shield through where it touches the oil drain as it's obviously this that's pushing it against the coupling.
I then spent 2 hours f***ing about with the little hose that is below the coolant temperature sensor as one of the shifter cables was rubbing on it. I couldn't position it any more towards the engine, so I ended up removing my shifter cable bracket and drilling new mounting holes so the bracket would sit 12mm further out. I refitted the cables. I'm not 100% happy with the angle of the cables but that can be resolved when I build a new bracket. I'm quite pleased with the feel of the change, it's not nearly as stiff as I thought it might be.
I've checked over all the turbo connections. The least satisfactory part is the air intake. My RamAir is actually touching the inner wing. I'll need to try and find a bit of slack somewhere so it doesn't transmit shocks to the MAF.
Tomorrow morning, I should be able to reconnect the charge side and fire up....