Without the hoses that 'might' make it all come together, I set to on a few little jobs, including making a bolt that would hold the bottom of the compressor inlet flange to the turbo.
With the ATP big bore inlet and brackets out, I took time to weight the thing up. Long term, the big bore has got to go. I was about to set to with a grinder to lower its legs, but I decided I'd be better to leave it whole and flog it on ebay.
Here's the Big bore with my brackets.
There is definitely room for a 70mm id hose to run underneath the shifter cable bracket if the bottom plate had a channel cut through it.
I need to get some plates fabricated that would then carry the shifter cable bracket over the top, using the mounting points of the bottom plate.
Strange too, ATP claim it's 3" ovalised.

If you look at the following, it's smaller than a 70mm hose.