DPJ's GTRS Eliminator Install and Development


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Are you saying the inlet drops down to a 63mm ID after the oval casting?

I thought it was 3" pipework not 2.5" Or have i got that wrong?

I'd go for the sleaving option personally.


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Are you saying the inlet drops down to a 63mm ID after the oval casting?

I thought it was 3" pipework not 2.5" Or have i got that wrong?

I'd go for the sleaving option personally.

Yes Phil (it surprised me when I went to measure it) the compressor inlet on the turbo is 53mm id. The inlet that bolts onto it has the same id (but flares out at the end to meet the air) and 63mm od - it's straight. I believe there is an inlet that widens from 63mm to 75mm.

I'm warming to the idea of sleeving, I could perhaps glue one inside the other. The larger dia reducer (80-70 should have bit more flex than 70-63). I've emailed Peter at Forge to find out how long they are.
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
The reason i'm asking is do you actually need the 3" inlet kit, would that same result be acheived with a 75-63 reducer onto the turbo inlet then a hard pipe out of that which would sit above the shifter cables.


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
The reason i'm asking is do you actually need the 3" inlet kit, would that same result be acheived with a 75-63 reducer onto the turbo inlet then a hard pipe out of that which would sit above the shifter cables.

With the oem shifter cable bracket in place, the 75mm end of the reducer would be sitting smack against the bracket. The bracket is about 45mm tall, so you wouldn't get the 75mm pipe over the top.
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Hmmm, i wonder if it can be done tho as a reducer will roughly be the same length as the fabircated 3" inlet you with the kit, so it will be like a 3" standard TIP in the path it follows.

I'm a bit lucky as i dont have various rubbish sat in the way such as combi valve and various pipework.
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Thats good to know. I'm gettin them from BoostFactory who are based in New Jersey so in theory they wont have to come across the width of america first.


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Without the hoses that 'might' make it all come together, I set to on a few little jobs, including making a bolt that would hold the bottom of the compressor inlet flange to the turbo.

With the ATP big bore inlet and brackets out, I took time to weight the thing up. Long term, the big bore has got to go. I was about to set to with a grinder to lower its legs, but I decided I'd be better to leave it whole and flog it on ebay.

Here's the Big bore with my brackets.


There is definitely room for a 70mm id hose to run underneath the shifter cable bracket if the bottom plate had a channel cut through it.


I need to get some plates fabricated that would then carry the shifter cable bracket over the top, using the mounting points of the bottom plate.

Strange too, ATP claim it's 3" ovalised. :think: If you look at the following, it's smaller than a 70mm hose. ;)

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
That looks good Dave, why won't it work. you can use some steel band it to secure the round to the oval.
I've been trying to persuede Forge to manufacture a Big turbo solution to intakes. The majority of their silcon standard fitments should do the trick, they just need to manufacture a mid section to deal with all the branch pipework.


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
That looks good Dave, why won't it work. you can use some steel band it to secure the round to the oval.
I've been trying to persuede Forge to manufacture a Big turbo solution to intakes. The majority of their silcon standard fitments should do the trick, they just need to manufacture a mid section to deal with all the branch pipework.

I think it'll work Willy if the Forge reducer I've ordered will flex sufficiently to go from oval to compressor inlet. That'll get it on the road.

I'm going to get a one piece bridge-bracket made though that'll go over a round pipe. Surely the bigger the straight pipe I can get on the compressor, the easier I'll make power. :shrug:

I agree on the DIY approach to making a good TIP. ATP's ain't pretty (below) , but it's functional. I'm sure the concept could be improved on.


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
While checking things over, I was alarmed at how close the turbo oil drain pipe was to the driveshaft coupling. I decided I'd take the pipe off again and apply a bit of heat while I bent it upwards a bit.

Great, lost the ****ing gasket off the turbo end. Tomorrow morning, I will mainly be out shopping for gasket material. :rolleyes:

*** For anyone looking at installing a GT28RS, the two boltholes that secure the oil drain are M8, but the holes in the KO3S oil drain (and K03S) are M6. If you've bought an ATP kit, there should be two studs that are M8>M6. Mine weren't there and I've read on Vortex that they can be missing. I drilled the oil drain holes out so I could use M8 socket head screws.


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
*** For anyone looking at installing a GT28RS, the two boltholes that secure the oil drain are M8, but the holes in the KO3S oil drain (and K03S) are M6. If you've bought an ATP kit, there should be two studs that are M8>M6. Mine weren't there and I've read on Vortex that they can be missing. I drilled the oil drain holes out so I could use M8 socket head screws.

the studs are cheese metal anyway, I cross threaded it by hand.. - did exactly as you have there
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