Well I thought I'd have a stab at working it out myself. (So I'm probably about to reveal something stupid

Block 002 gives the time an injector is open per cycle in milliseconds.
Divide that by 1000 to give time in seconds.
Multiply by RPM divided by 60 to get time injector is open per second.
Multiply x2 (two injectors fire per revolution)
Multiply by the injector capacity 550cc/min
Divide by 1000 and 60 to get litres per second
Fuel weighs 737 grammes per litre so multiply by 737 to get weight of fuel per second.
Multiply the actual lambda x14.7 x fuel weight to get actual air weight.
Group A: '002 '031
rpm Inj. Air mass Lambda Lambda Fuel Vol Fuel A/F Air Scaling
/min ms g/s Actual Target litres Weight Actual
g/s g/s
3360 10.88 78.31 0.774 0.797 0.0112 8.23 11.38 93.67 1.20
3520 11.56 89.64 0.75 0.789 0.0124 9.16 11.03 101.03 1.13
3720 12.24 113.94 0.758 0.805 0.0139 10.25 11.14 114.25 1.00
4000 14.62 141.11 0.789 0.797 0.0179 13.17 11.60 152.74 1.08
4280 15.98 167.44 0.789 0.797 0.0209 15.40 11.60 178.64 1.07
4560 17 190.78 0.797 0.797 0.0237 17.46 11.72 204.53 1.07
4880 17.68 204.31 0.797 0.805 0.0264 19.43 11.72 227.63 1.11
5160 17.34 213.67 0.797 0.805 0.0273 20.15 11.72 236.07 1.10
5440 16.66 215.64 0.782 0.805 0.0277 20.41 11.50 234.61 1.09
5640 15.3 202.14 0.789 0.805 0.0264 19.43 11.60 225.38 1.11
5840 14.96 206.39 0.789 0.805 0.0267 19.67 11.60 228.19 1.11
6040 14.62 215.53 0.782 0.805 0.0270 19.89 11.50 228.59 1.06
6240 14.28 214.5 0.797 0.805 0.0272 20.07 11.72 235.10 1.10
6400 13.94 217.61 0.813 0.805 0.0273 20.09 11.95 240.11 1.10
6600 13.26 217.94 0.797 0.805 0.0267 19.71 11.72 230.90 1.06
6720 13.6 225.44 0.782 0.805 0.0279 20.58 11.50 236.59 1.05
6880 12.92 214.08 0.813 0.805 0.0272 20.02 11.95 239.23 1.12
7000 12.58 214.94 0.797 0.805 0.0269 19.83 11.72 232.33 1.08
7120 12.92 212.36 0.766 0.805 0.0281 20.72 11.26 233.26 1.10
7240 13.26 214.5 0.75 0.805 0.0293 21.62 11.03 238.35 1.11
7240 11.9 205.61 0.75 0.805 0.0263 19.40 11.03 213.91 1.04
6320 0 1.67 0.922 0.945
5640 0 11.44 1.991 1.047
5560 0 12.75 1.991 1.047
Hmmm, I get scaling, but not a constant.
Also, why doesn't the methanol affect the lambda.......