DPJ's GTRS Eliminator Install and Development


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Here's a run with the Jetex on.
T8 HB9 12.5 degrees. It sounds so smoooooooooooth when it's on full boost and the water/methanol is running. :D

Saturday	6	October	2007	19:04:59			
06A 906 032 HN		1.8L R4/5VT         0002					
Group A:	'003			Group B:	'020		
Idle speed	Air mass in	Throt Angle	Ignit Angle	Idle Stabilization			
 /min	 g/s	%	 °BTDC	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF
2440	43.75	100	28.5	0	0	3	3
2560	48.42	100	25.5	0	3	3	3
2680	51	100	26.3	0	3	3	3
2800	54.72	100	14.3	0	3	3	6
2960	60.92	100	24.8	0	2.3	2.3	6
3080	67.14	100	21.8	0	5.3	5.3	6
3240	73.03	100	23.3	0	5.3	5.3	5.3
3400	80.72	100	22.5	3	5.3	5.3	5.3
3560	92	100	20.3	3	5.3	4.5	5.3
3800	110.33	100	15	3	4.5	4.5	4.5
4000	125.14	100	15	2.3	4.5	4.5	4.5
4200	146.69	100	9.8	2.3	4.5	4.5	4.5
4440	167.72	100	4.5	2.3	4.5	4.5	4.5
4680	180.92	100	9	2.3	4.5	4.5	4.5
4920	181.53	100	6.8	2.3	4.5	4.5	3.8
5240	185.78	100	8.3	2.3	4.5	4.5	3.8
5440	190.69	100	12.8	2.3	4.5	3.8	3.8
5680	194.75	100	12	1.5	3.8	3.8	3.8
5880	204.39	100	14.3	1.5	3.8	3.8	3.8
6120	204.11	100	14.3	1.5	3.8	3	3
6320	210.08	100	15	1.5	3.8	3	3
6480	210.75	100	19.5	1.5	3	3	3
6680	215.78	100	16.5	0.8	3	3	3
6880	211.44	100	18	0.8	3	2.3	2.3
7040	199.53	100	18.8	0	0	0	0

215.78 = 240+ g/s scaled :shrug:
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Veedubya 'velle
Jun 12, 2003
Nah, it's fine.

Big "Mofo" intake, that's what you need. Fancy doing one pull with the intake off?


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Yeah Dave, you nutta. What are you thinking :cartman:

Regap your plugs to at least .028" or get colder ones i reckon.

I'll try it Phil. That'll mean me going out and buying one of those proper spark plug tools. More boys toys! :D
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
I was more on about a comparison of without WMI.

From lookin at previous logs max CF was 3 on T7, and now gettin 6 on T8? Doesnt look like knock has been reduced much thats all.

Or have a missed something?


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
I was more on about a comparison of without WMI.

From lookin at previous logs max CF was 3 on T7, and now gettin 6 on T8? Doesnt look like knock has been reduced much thats all.

Or have a missed something?

I'm not sure Phil. I'm assuming I'm making power (over and above without WMI) from advance timing, and from the methanol itself. :shrug: