Today I got an early start on the 250 mile round trip to
Pipewerx for Ian Birch to build me a 3" DP to fit to my 100 cell race cat / Blueflame Dual System. (Ian had custom built the turbo-back system on the car when he was at BF).
It was great to see Ian again and have a chat, its a lovely setup in country surroundings, nothing like BF.

His next 4 wheel project sounds as exciting as previous ones.
My new DP is a lovely piece of work. My front Lambda wouldn't come out of the old 2.5" DP, but Ian had a used one to hand.
I'd recommend that anyone who needs an exhaust, standard or custom give Pipewerx a try.
The car seemed to pull better on the way home. Here are the logs I did early this evening.
Still LB9 T5. Air temp 23.5 degrees.
Friday 3 August 2007 18:04:05
06A 906 032 HN 1.8L R4/5VT 0002
Group A: '003 Group B: '020
Idle speed Air mass in Throt Angle Ignit Angle Idle Stabilization Idle Stabilization Idle Stabilization Idle Stabilization
/min g/s % °BTDC CF CF CF CF
3000 56.92 100 26.3 0 0 0 0
3160 65.11 100 24 0 0 0 0
3400 75.72 100 23.3 0 0 0 3
3680 92.94 100 21 0 0 0 3
4040 114.44 100 15 0 0 0 2.3
4400 142.56 100 12.8 0 0 0 2.3
4840 162.31 100 6.8 0 0 0 2.3
5240 175.94 100 7.5 0 0 0 2.3
5560 178.44 100 12 0 0 0 1.5
5880 189.03 100 10.5 0 0 0 1.5
6200 202.44 100 9.8 0 0 0 1.5
6480 203.17 100 12.8 0 0 0 0.8
Friday 3 August 2007 18:06:53
06A 906 032 HN 1.8L R4/5VT 0002
Group A: '115 Group B: '031
Engine Speed Engine Load Spec. Boost Actual Boost Lambda Factor Lambda Factor
/min % mbar mbar STAMP
3120 103 1980 1420 34.12 0.899 0.906
3280 109.8 2040 1520 34.83 0.852 0.844
3520 121.1 2100 1640 35.54 0.821 0.828
3920 139.1 2210 1850 36.24 0.805 0.821
4280 157.9 2270 2100 36.95 0.789 0.805
4680 176.7 2260 2290 37.76 0.805 0.805
5120 178.2 2240 2410 38.56 0.789 0.805
5440 167.7 2240 2270 39.26 0.805 0.805
5880 166.2 2230 2290 39.96 0.797 0.805
6200 169.9 2240 2460 40.68 0.797 0.805
6480 158.6 2260 2190 41.48 0.789 0.805
Friday 3 August 2007 18:09:40
06A 906 032 HN 1.8L R4/5VT 0002
Group A: '118 Group B: '032
Engine Speed Air Temp In Boost Dut Cyc Actual Boost Idle O2 Adapt Run O2 Adapt
/min °C % mbar % %
3120 30 100 1210 1.7 4.7
3360 29 100 1430 1.7 4.7
3600 28 100 1600 1.7 4.7
3960 27 100 1790 1.7 4.7
4320 27 65.5 2120 1.7 4.7
4720 28 57.6 2340 1.7 4.7
5200 29 45.1 2340 1.7 4.7
5520 30 42.4 2160 1.7 4.7
5880 31 40 2090 1.7 4.7
6200 33 54.1 2280 1.7 4.7
6520 34 47.8 2320 1.7 4.7
Strange the way N75 duty cycle dips just below 6k revs, taking boost with it - then it comes back
My Walbro inline pump arrived from USRT in the states today, 7 days from order.
I have my chores to do tomorrow (Mrs DPJ's and youngest daughter's cars to service) before I can play out.