does my car sound right? NOW WITH ANOTHER VID :)

leon cupra r

Back in an LCR!
Nov 10, 2009
sam what induction setup are you running? still on the factory box? and as lee mentioned, have you still got the carpet under the bonnet? it does sound quiet, but if you are on factory box with the carpet I wouldnt expect to hear it that much!


sam what induction setup are you running? still on the factory box? and as lee mentioned, have you still got the carpet under the bonnet? it does sound quiet, but if you are on factory box with the carpet I wouldnt expect to hear it that much!
no running open cone mate ream air to be precise ;) but still got carpet in ;)

ill try and get a video of my leon 20vt cupra and compare :)

Thank you :)


Hmmmm :think: I get on person saying it sounds N/A and the another saying it sounds louder than there's :think:


Super sprint my friend ;) and thanks :D my DV is the consterpated bird ;) witch I know you a big fan of :p


I was thinking of giving the car a good clean tomorrow, so yeah sounds good. I bet it rains now...
You can do mine lol or we can do it together ;) where do live?? Well pm me lol
It does seem to sound a little bit quiet mate but could just be cos its a video?? But it does seem to take a while to get through the gears

Yea it's not performing to it potential :( but can't figure out wats up with it :(


Not yet need to but there to pricey :( lol But worth it just need a good wage ;)
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