Update on finding the perfect Full Beam bulb to match HIDs and LED sidelights:
As you may remember, about a month or so ago, I was thinking of possibly goin for HIDs on full beam. However, due to minor issues, such as not being able to flash with HIDs, I thought I'd try and find the perfect "normal" bulb to match.
Anyway, last month I tried some SportzBlue bulbs from Ring! Here's the pics
Standard Bulb
SportzBlue Bulb
Not quite a perfect match, but it got rid of the nasty white & yellow combo you would see on the trees when driving along!
Anyway, I thought I'd try some more
This time, ArcticWhite, again from Ring.
ArcticWhite Bulb
SportzBlue Bulb
As you can see, the SportzBlue are bluer (is that a word) than the arctic, but I still thought it was worth a go
Again pics
Here again are the SportzBlue
And the ArcticWhite (latest in trial
The SportzBlue, still seem to be slightly better than ArcticWhite! The ArcticWhite ones look almost standard!
So, to conclude. Still not got the perfect match! Still on a quest to find it without goin HID (I wouldn't mind doin HID, but for convienence, I'd like to have "normal" bulbs)