cupra r boot lock


UK's 1st Liquid Yello LCR
May 27, 2008
Most likely at work
Do you think yours is solenoid related or just stuck like mine was?.
If you can lean over enough from the seats without putting to much weight on the boot floor you will be able to undo the screws easily enough. Next part will be trickier but again if you can at least get the top half of the trim away you should be able to reach down and manually pull up the door release. (the long thin coat hanger type bar on the right - Post #5). Should be able to remove the rest from outside the car when the boot it is open. Might need another set of hands or two to keep the lid still :D.
Good Luck :lol:

i have recruited my neighbor for the job.i think the solenoid is fine (it makes that long "jee" noise when i unlock the boot) so i will try my best here!i shall post my findings after i attempt it


Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
Yep sounds like the same issue as mine. Just lack of use and grease originally.
Glad you got it sorted :)


California Bound
What a pain in the @rse this has turned out to be. Absolute mission to get the panel off, finally did it and greased the parts up with vaseline, all started working fine over and over so put the panel back on, would it fit? NO. Spent ages on that, put the screws back in the grab handles and what do you know, the boot has now locked shut with the hatch open, can't shut the damn thing. Panel back off but now it's stuck, had to force it and now has a little crack so I ripped the thing off and had to repair that which luckily isn't obvious. Back outside and it looks like maybe I over greased the latch and it's too slippery, wiped some of it off and it works again, got p*ssed off and left the panel off and i'll try again tomorrow to see if it works still.

Any tips for refitting the bootlid panel?


Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
Nope, I used a tiny bit of WD40 then some Wurth Lithium Protect grease I had left over from a service. No issues since.
Feb 22, 2009
South Wales
what is the melting point of vaseline I thought so I google and found:

Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly is a mixture of mineral oils, paraffin and microcrystalline waxes that, when blended together, create something remarkable - a smooth jelly that has a melting point just above body temperature.

This would mean in the summer - Vaseline would melt and run re-exposing the fault readu for the winter again


California Bound
I've had enough. I removed the vaseline and replaced with lithium grease on all the moving parts, all worked fine after multiple attempts, put the panel back on perfectly, tried again this morning and it won't open. I'm really getting the hump with this, I may as well weld the f*cking thing shut.

Anyway, I am hoping it's just the abnormally cold and damp weather playing havoc.


On the part in the red circle, should there be a spring to make that shaft rotate into it's correct position. Mine doesn't have one and the shaft sticks and will not unlock..........Dave.


Active Member
May 10, 2007
This forum is a lifesaver :D

Had the problem come up yesterday, took the inside trim off (was a bit of a nightmare) today and followed the instructions to lube up the mentioned components and its working now. Luckily I had a friend around to assist me with putting the trim back on. Will now wait til tomorrow to see if the fix has remained or become stuck again....fingers crossed


Active Member
May 10, 2007
just to add another method to try if it happens - try rocking the handle up and down gently until you hopeful hear the click which unlocks it.

Mine locked up again, I tried the above and it opened again. Gonna need to try and get some more lube in there


O/K got a look at another mechanism and can now see what has happened to mine. The shaft with the red and blue circles on, has to rock into different positions, depending on if it is locked or unlocked. The shaft is sprung loaded to go back to a position to unlock. Mine has lost it's spring action and stays in the locked position. Perhaps your rocking of the handle causes the shaft to move to the correct position. I can't see where the spring is supposed to be mounted that returns the shaft to the unlock position, so have bought a second hand handle and mechanism to fit at the weekend. Hope some of that made sense............Dave.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2003
Horsham, West Sussex
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I had a go at mine this afternoon and have got the parts moving again and the boot locks nicely. However I have a slightly dissimilar issue. The spriong loaded piece on the right which engages the handle on the boot lid is not fully disengaging. Seems the the black part that moves from left to right as per locking and unlocking is not forced far enough over to the left (loobed or not) and so there is enough of the spring loaded part staying in place for the handle to work. My only way at the moment is lock the car via the fob, then lock the car via the key which moves the black bit far enough to the left to disengage the handle. Any thoughs anyone??


Active Member
Feb 12, 2008
Watford, Herts
Following the excellent guide from r6_allan, I have greased the mechanism but the arm is not moving and there is no sound when locking from keyfob and so the boot will only lock with the key.

How much does a new solenoid cost and is it simple to fit or should I get garage/dealer to fit it?
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