I started reading this topic and so far, I read till page 5...some of things I noticed on my (just bought)
Ibiza were mentioned by other owners,but still I haven't seen all solutions or explanations for the mentioned problems...
things I noticed so far (
Ibiza 2002 1,9TDI 130 HP, 3 doors model)
- one part of illumination,on the speedometer sometimes flickers,usually when engine gets normal working temperature,let say,right part of that speedo panel,where are numbs from 120 till 260 kmh (it looks like it's one section of illumination)
- rear windshield washer not spraying water and I can hear engine buzzing and probably injecting water towards it,but no water goes out of it
- when I turn engine on,today it happened several times that air con panel shows all characters at once and flashes for,lets say,10 secs and than it shows normal characters,but it seems to me that it doesn't reeds accurate outside temp (it showed -0,5 degrees Celsius,while outside actually was around +3 degrees)
-sometimes it happens that when I remotely lock the car,turn-lights won't flash once as they should,but car gets locked (previous owner said that when such thing occurs,it happens that front wipers won't work when you turn them on to the periodic wiping position,while low and high speed will work)
-when I open right door (in my country co-driver door), the roof light won't turn on,while opening left door will turn it on (I hope it's nothing but a switch)
-when starting the engine,every time board computer display shows outside temp,no matter on which mode I left it previously. Usually I put it on fuel consumption measuring,but next time I start engine,it'll show again outside temp (maybe it's normal like that, I honestly don't know)
So far,that's what I have noticed and I sincerely appreciate any kind of
help such as directions or explanations
how to fix those issues or approximate cost of repairing... thanx fellas..