Common Mk4 Problems


Chug chug
Jul 5, 2011
:help: The reverse light has never worked on my mk4 1.2 2002. I have checked the bulb and bulb connections and there is no voltage so im assuming its the reverse light switch. Does anybody know where its located?

You haven't mentioned whether you have checked the fuse?

The reverse light has it's own fuse. Number 19 I think from memory. Just changed mine the other day as it had blown due to a short in the wiring to the tailgate.



Active Member
Jul 9, 2009
Had 1.4s since new (2006)
rattling internal o/s door handle
misting headlights
boot lock surround panel falls off when closing boot
rear wiper hose disconnected !! Any hints where to start looking?? Believe its in the roof!!!


got meself an 06 1.4s ibiza......owned for around 4 months.

MAJOR issues with condensation in headlights, seems to be a common problem?

also got a very odd knocking coming from under the steering wheel, pulled everything out thinking maybe a loose screw or something but not found anything as of yet.

apart from that all seems ok as of yet.

BUT THOSE HEADLIGHTS ARE DOING MY HEAD IN, dont even know why they are getting such bad condensation!!

You know those little Gel things you get in, say, new shoes? the ones that say do not eat? I put one of those in my the back of my headlight and whilst it didn't 100% get rid of the problem, I'd say it got rid of about 85%...

Ibiza SX

Active Member
Mar 15, 2011
2004 Ibiza 1.2 SX 3 Cylinder, Any help appreciated! I Have had my Seat Ibiza since it was a year old and have had to change the coil packs so many times i've lost count. Is this a common fault and is there an underlying issue which needs to be addressed that I am not aware of? Many thanks :)


I have a '56 plate 1.4 DAB Ibiza and I've owned it for 3 years now, so far I'v 'experienced' the following:

Blown cigarette lighter / sat nav connection fuse 3 times.

The usual rear wiper wash not working - the wiper moves but the wash doesn't come out, and it's not leaking into my boot either, any ideas on how to locate and fix this?

That little panel in the boot near the locking mechanism keeps falling off when I close the boot, annoying as hell as I keep having to remember to check that I've not left it on the floor before I drive off.

Excessive wind noise from passenger and driver side windows when doing any speed in excess of 60mph.

Front headlights fogged up constantly in cold weather, I've had these out numerouos times, replaced, cleaned, dried out - problem always comes back.

The small 'SEAT' sign on the engine cover is loose and extremely annoying when the engine is ticking over as it rattles like hell.

Driver side panel (where the window buttons are located) is slightly loose and rattles when driving above 60mph

Something which sounds like creaking suspension when going over speed bumps / anything with a few bumps / small holes.

Suspension (I think) also creaks when I have full lock on.

Oh, and last but not least, just yesterday, I was driving along the motorway to work and heard a weird scraping noise. I reduced my speed by about 20mph and it was still there so decided to check it out when I got to work. Turns out my mud guard had decided that it wanted to break in half and scrape along the floor.

I know most of the above are only problems which persist over a certain speed, but seeing as though I've just moved house and I now have to travel 70 miles a day to get to work and back, this is really going to annoy me!

Any ideas on how to fix it, obviously in the cheapest possible way?

I've also just got a warranty direct quote, £315 for 13 months - good or bad? :confused:


I wouldn't bother with Warranty Direct. They don't cover much, it's a pain in the arse to get cover (I had a years cover a while ago, nightmare to claim for anything), no wear and tear items, etc. Plus I'm guessing they'd weasel out of any big money claims anyway (thinking clutches and turbos which you obviously don't have).

If it were my money and I had £315 for a warranty, I'd be whacking it in a bank account where I can't easily get to it, then I've got £315 to use for whatever including running costs such as tyres (not covered by warranty), mods such as suspension (a warranty won't cover yours until something fails, not just creaks), repairs such as trim (warranty only covers mechanicals).

There's loads of threads in Mk1 Leon about the washer, the part numbers for the Ibiza would be different but the general advice will be the same. Fogged headlights is pretty common, some people drill small holes in the back of the headlight covers to allow airflow which can help, optionally put a couple of small sachets of silica gel in there to dry it out.

Cheers mate, I'll take your advice then and save the money.

Just looking on a few different threads and there's loads of helpfult ips. I think this weekend is going to be a busy one - make a few slight mods.

I was thinking of getting rid and getting a new motor btu seeing what advice is given on here, think I'll stick with it for a while.


hi people i have been reading and there are 1 or 2 guys which said they hade a problem with there gearbox i have some with mine my 1 gear seems to be making a whining noise and it some times does not go in revese i have to get out of the car and push it then slam it in to first before i can move i havent stiped the gear box yet just havent had the time and i need to find a replace ment for it while i fix this one so i can cary on driving it just wandering has any one else had a similer problem and did they find out there cause? and i like to know if it is comon thanks


Mk3 Leon Fr184
May 24, 2010
Well ive had my 1st few problems for the 1st time I'm 6years

1. Radiator switch starting leaking
2. Rear drivers side brake cylinder starting to leak
3. Lock mechanism packed up (plastic switch worn out)

Both started at the same time the night before it went into for its service, had new radiator switch & fresh coolant & antifreeze, also new rear brake cylinders both side & new shoes along with a brake fluid change. Lock mechanism not being fixed as I ain't paying £100 for one il just live with it

Fingers crossed nothing else packs up.

Ibiza SX

Active Member
Mar 15, 2011
04 Ibiza 1.2 SX Timing Chain or Belt?

Hi can anyone tell me if this car has a timing chain or belt? Ive just had the 60k service done and have owned the car from new. Also what would be the best things to get for/done to my car to help make it run forever or better? I love my wee car! Cheers

04 Seat Ibiza 1.2 sx in ovni yellow :D


Mk3 Leon Fr184
May 24, 2010
Hi can anyone tell me if this car has a timing chain or belt? Ive just had the 60k service done and have owned the car from new. Also what would be the best things to get for/done to my car to help make it run forever or better? I love my wee car! Cheers

04 Seat Ibiza 1.2 sx in ovni yellow :D

04 plate.......if its a belt it was due along time ago, belts vary from every 40/80k or every 5years which ever comes 1st


Had mine a year now and had a fair few problems. Car is a 1.9TDi PD130 on a 53 plate,

  • Had to replace three intercooler pipes, the same one twice....not cheap at £98 a time!!!!
  • Snapped 1 rear spring
  • Snapped both front springs...drivers side twice (must be putting on a bit of weight lol)..given up with SEAT crap and bought coilovers now lol
  • I dont know if its just me but standard sport spec alloys seem to buckle easy, I went down a pothole a very low speed and needed a new alloy as it was bent completely out of shape.
  • Went out in the car this morning and the climate control packed up.....everything works fine but the fan seems to be stuck on the lowest speed and it wont blow any harder...the unit just flashes 17 times when the ignition is on or the car is started........have no idea where to start with that but brilliant time of year for it to pack up.
    O and the usual problem of the rear wiper not washing...have reconnected it in the engine bay and cleaned the jet in the boot but it will not put water on the screen.....the water level goes down in the bottle and there's no puddles under the car so not sure where its going!
    And just the usual creaks and squeeks and rattles from the dash

Apart from the above its a nice little car....doesnt drink any oil between services and still does 52mpg on me commute to and from work.......not sure if I'd buy another one though.


I started reading this topic and so far, I read till page 5...some of things I noticed on my (just bought) Ibiza were mentioned by other owners,but still I haven't seen all solutions or explanations for the mentioned problems...

things I noticed so far (Ibiza 2002 1,9TDI 130 HP, 3 doors model)

- one part of illumination,on the speedometer sometimes flickers,usually when engine gets normal working temperature,let say,right part of that speedo panel,where are numbs from 120 till 260 kmh (it looks like it's one section of illumination)

- rear windshield washer not spraying water and I can hear engine buzzing and probably injecting water towards it,but no water goes out of it

- when I turn engine on,today it happened several times that air con panel shows all characters at once and flashes for,lets say,10 secs and than it shows normal characters,but it seems to me that it doesn't reeds accurate outside temp (it showed -0,5 degrees Celsius,while outside actually was around +3 degrees)

-sometimes it happens that when I remotely lock the car,turn-lights won't flash once as they should,but car gets locked (previous owner said that when such thing occurs,it happens that front wipers won't work when you turn them on to the periodic wiping position,while low and high speed will work)

-when I open right door (in my country co-driver door), the roof light won't turn on,while opening left door will turn it on (I hope it's nothing but a switch)

-when starting the engine,every time board computer display shows outside temp,no matter on which mode I left it previously. Usually I put it on fuel consumption measuring,but next time I start engine,it'll show again outside temp (maybe it's normal like that, I honestly don't know)

So far,that's what I have noticed and I sincerely appreciate any kind of help such as directions or explanations how to fix those issues or approximate cost of repairing... thanx fellas.. ;)


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
Okay, "showing outside temperature when starting car" - that means that the temperature is below +4C - it is just warning you.

No washer fluid coming out of the rear washer - have a look on the main forum - maybe use "search" function - it will probably be due to a pipe falling off - maybe due to the washer fluid freezing.

RHS front door not switching light on, again use search I'd reckon, there is a micro switch in the lock and it sounds like it is causing that problem.

I think that you should use the main forum to ask about your problems as not many people view this one, this one was meant, I think, to make a list of common problems or issues - ie so that you could look it up and see what your car was likely to do to cause you to spend money!
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Mk3 Leon Fr184
May 24, 2010
Mines being a good 05 plate mk4 1.4 16v Sport

Owned the car 2years now & cover 30,000miles & all ive had to do is droplinks, a water leak (new radiator switch) and now its due a few bushes, it also needs a new micro-switch in drivers door (tbh i can live with & dont intend in paying the silly money to replace it)


Had my Ibiza PD130 2years now. Had the usual problems with the cup holder breaking and a new drivers door lock as the micro switch inside has stopped working causing the interior light not to come on when opening the door.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2011
I have the following on my 57 Plate Cupra;

Scuffing noise, perhaps creaking going over speed bumps or bumps in road (this has just started)
Knocking noise when turning over rough ground
Creaking noise on full lock accompanied with rotational type rubbing noise
Scraping sound that used to come from front brakes and now coming from rear brakes. Front brake pads just replaced and covered 300 miles.

any ideas guys?


May 21, 2011
I have the following on my 57 Plate Cupra;

Scuffing noise, perhaps creaking going over speed bumps or bumps in road (this has just started)
Knocking noise when turning over rough ground
Creaking noise on full lock accompanied with rotational type rubbing noise
Scraping sound that used to come from front brakes and now coming from rear brakes. Front brake pads just replaced and covered 300 miles.

any ideas guys?

brakes either you have corrosion on the discs or maybe some **** stuck behind the discs i.e stone mud rust
knocking noise droplinks?? coilsprings?
creaking . strut top bearings


Active Member
Dec 9, 2006
Cupra tdi 2005 at 75k miles and owned since 18mths old;

Rear discs due to corrision not wear - 3rd set? have a fix now by modding pad.
Front discs due to wear
Front AP callipers corrode, replace bridge bolts/tubes/pins, corrosion under the stainless pad rest plates cause pads to drag on. A big pain on Cupras.

Front anti roll bar drop links at 30k
Front stut top bearings at 50k
Front wheel buckled twice (repaired and now have a spare), spokes trashed as they stick out beyond tyres.

Rear washer pipe popped in boot, inside boot area, behind engine. Top tip is DO NOT USE rear washer if it is cold.. as if frozen anywhere it will pop a pipe.
Boot lock leaked so stuffed with grease to stop it.

Front tyres wear inner 25mm in about 8-10k miles, actual tyre OK until 18k miles. Alignment is OK but will try more toe in before next set of tyres.

VNT turbo mechanism gummed up and put engine in limp mode, now lubricate every oil change and better, you can restart on the fly and get out of limp mode.

Thrown a low voltage alternator and brake light code on VAG-COM; nothing found.

Climate control needs set at 24C to get about 21C.. suspect internal sensor broken but it still "controls".. just needs a high target to make it comfortable.

Rust on front sill ends treated (no front mudflaps...) Actually at 3 years old did complete strip, paint suspension/rust, Dinotrol 3120 and then black death Dinotrol 4120 (?) so pretty rust free.

Failed to get stereo aux/CD changer to work; did it once then never again. Seems some units are like this.

Clutch uprated because chipped beyond 300 ftlbs, Cruise control fitted, HID headlights as the stock dipped beam is terrible.

Basically no big issues.. but some silly fixes like ARB links and strut top bearings are a factory design fault. Oh and those AP callipers:cry:
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Mk 4 Seat Ibiza 1.2 S 2002

So far
Broken window mechanisms both sides
2 broken suspension coils
Broken reverse light never works
Timing chain kit fitted
Rear washer wipe never works
Coil packs breaking
Rear drivers side speaker not working
Constant management lights on the dash ( mind of its own )
Loose trim
Roll bar movement
2 new swing arms
At the moment it needs a new throttle housing and pedal and a new oxy sensor
As it keeps cutting out .
My car is no longer a seat Ibiza it is the seed of evil
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