Build Date & Infotainment software version


Active Member
Nov 19, 2020
A newbie question..... How do you find out the build date of your car? We've just taken delivery of a new Mk4 Leon and it would be interesting to know when it was actually built.

As a further question, is there a means of finding out if the software version in the Infotainment system is the latest version? I've read that these new cars can download software updates automatically.


Active Member
Sep 29, 2020
Mine had some testing printouts from Spain in the glovebox so I just took the date of them. Sometimes you might see a sticker in and around the engine that sometimes (in my experience) has a date on it.

The infotainment does automatically update, you'll get notified when there's an update available it will only start the update when the car is stopped. I've tried the update button on the about page but that just seems to show an infinite loader.


Active Member
Nov 19, 2020
Have just found the conformance certificate. It is dated mid July which is not too bad given the impact of Covid etc. Thanks also re the infotainment update info. Good to know that it will inform us when an update is available.
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